Not worth the swap. Assuming over 100,000 miles you can average 40 mpg with the car as is (w/ minimal modifications...increase tire pressure, grille block, hypermile driving techniques), it would cost you $10,000 of gas at $4 per gallon. With a VX swap, IF you can average 60 mpg (big "if" since this car is heavier than a VX hatchback, and I don't see any VXers on here averaging 60 mpg), then you'll spend $6,667 at $4 per gallon. Your savings will be $3,333. How much do you think a swap will cost with parts and labor? I think you'll spend at least $1,000 in parts alone.
I think you're better off driving this car as is, selling it and putting the $$ towards a high mileage/good body VX if you can find one, or better yet, a '96 - '99 HX.