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Old 12-10-2006, 10:51 AM   #1
Team GasMisers5!
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 440
SuperMID installation - help needed!

Edit - the outcome of this was that my car had a strange
fuel injection system - the problem was resolved and the knowledge will
be useful for other cars with Pulse Width Modulation injector systems.

Yoshi was extremely helpful throughout, and I cannot recommend the SuperMID more (and the level of support is second to none, which is a
refreshing change these days!

I have got my SuperMID (looks very well made, and can't wait to get it working!). I have sent an email to Yoshi with a description of the current installation problems, but need to wait till Japanese time comes around again (it is early morning there just now). I was wondering if anyone here might have some ideas as to what is going wrong at the present time.

My SuperMID comes with 4 wires : Ground, +12v, Injector, and Speed sensor.

I need to mess around with my speed sensor to make it work, so, at the moment, I have just been using the injector / fuel used measurements.

I have connected the wires as follows:

Ground - goes to the same ground (engine ground) as the injectors.
+12v - the +12v supply that the ECU uses
Injector - goes to one of the 4 injectors:
- The have two wires from the ECU - there is a single common
ground, which they all use, but each injector also has a unique
wire which is used to 'fire' the injector. I have connected the
injector wire to one of these individual injector wires.
Speed sensor - connected to my speed sensor but no signal at all (I will look
into this later).

I *think* I have wired it up properly (at least in terms of Ground,+12v,Injector), and here is what happens:

(1) When I start the car, the SuperMID readings show (when engine is idling)
(1) Injector Pulse 0.00
(2) The 'litres used' starts going up at a constant rate.

(2) If I rev the engine, this happens:
(1) Injector Pulse 0.00
(2) The 'litres used' goes up a bit faster.
- When I let go of the accelerator after revving the engine, this happens:
(1) Injector pulse goes up to 6, for a split second
(2) The 'litres used' keep going up at a constant rate.

(3) If I drive, at 50mph, cruising with gentle, fuel-efficient driving, I get:
(1) Injector Pulse 0.00
(2) The 'litres used' goes up faster then when at idle

(4) If I drive at 50mph, then put my foot down, and go to full boost on the turbo, I get:
(1) Injector Pulse 0.00
(2) The 'litres used' goes up at the same rate as when I am driving carefully at the same speed.

(5) If I coast in-gear down a hill (my ECU does fuel-cut in this scenario, which it says in my service manual) this happens:
(1) Injector Pulse 0.5 (it spikes to 1.3 at the beginning then stays at 0.5 for the rest of the time)
(2) The 'litres used' stops going down (although sometimes goes down v. slowly).


(1) the 'Injector Pulse' only goes up when fuel-cut is active and the injectors are *off*
(2) The 'litres used' is only based on the engine speed, and not on what the injector pulse length actually is
(3) The only exception is coasting downhill, which is when the litres used stops going up (which makes sense), but the injector pulse width goes up (which doesn't make sense).

Can anyone see what is happening where?. The (3) in the sentence above in particular makes no sense, and I can't see how a hardware fault would cause this.

I know I will get it sorted in the end, but perhaps this thread might help someone else in the future when setting up their car


Team GasMisers5 - #1 for first three rounds of the original GS Fuel Economy Challenge
Miles displaced by e-bike since 1 Jan 2008: 62.6 (0 kWh used)
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