Originally Posted by XFi
Just repaired the Xtiva's 'no spark concern' (Distributer-Crank Position Sensor). Replaced the distrubuter with one from an extra engine I have. Not going to be able to fit in another fill. But up and running for the next cycle. 
Speaking of the next Cycle, beginning Monday, July 2, 2007 -- Cycle 3 begins!
BTW, Happy Canada Day

-- which happens to be the last day of this cycle's competition. Make sure the GasLogs are up-to-date, since that's where the data is sourced for the final tally. Midnight Central Time is the requested deadline.
Bear in mind -- it's a seamless transition into Cycle 3, so keep that FE up
In the meantime, I'll crunch the numbers, have it double-checked, and post the results this week. It should be close!
Also, I'll be on vacation for a week or so (starting Friday) -- so if there are any issues, Zpiloto should be available to answer questions. If a timestamp is required for the issue, just cc me on the PM, and I'll get to it when I get back. Not sure what kind of Internet I'll have access to in Alaska
Best of FE to all teams!
The Commish
P.S. As of tomorrow, this thread will be closed to make room for the Cycle 3 update thread.