Mixed up the Week Numbers last week

this is the Week 5 results below:
1...The GasMisers5...12.1%
2...The Right Lane Rollers...12.0%
3...Team "Leftover Bananas"...10.2%
4...Team OPEC Busters...5.2%
5...Team Slow Burn...2.9%
6...Team Feast & Famine...-2.2%
It's getting close!
TCs: Make sure that all team members have at least 1, 3-gallon minium fill reported this week...the spreadsheet shows members who require a fill.
If you have trouble or are unable to open the file, please let me know in a PM
This is it -- the last week in Cycle 2. May the wind be at your rear bumper...
The Commish