Filled this morning. 668 miles, 10.2 gallons, 65.49 mpg, ave speed 31 mph

Yesterday I added a rear piece to my belly pan. It still is not complete. Muffler is not covered. I added a radius to my front wheel ring skirts.
This was all commuting except for a 20 mile run down the freeway this morning at 60 mph. For those 20 miles, ave speed 57 mph, 58 mpg including acceleration and deceleration. No EOC, only P&G was start and stop and turn around. Steady state was real close to 55 mpg. It was about 75 F with light cross wind. Trying to decide whether or not to go for 60 mpg at 60 mph. It seems more possible all the time. I have not installed the wide band O2 sensor yet.