Spring Motor Cleaning for better FE
So it was 65 degrees yesterday and just perfect weather. Didn't need either the heat or the a/c.........yea, baby, I love 65 degrees.
So, usually in the spring I throw a bottle of Techron in the gas user just to clean up the fuel system so it can run at it's best efficiency possible. Then I had this thought about putting 1 gallon of E85 into the tank to maybe give it a little extra alcohol....just for one tank.....to help clean out the fuel system..........hmmmmmmm ......One extra gallon of E85 won't hurt it for one tank. .....Am I on drugs or does anyone think the extra alcohol will do anything as far as helping to clean out the injectors, etc??? It's a 20 gallon tank, so if I just add one gallon of E85 I will still have 19 gallons of regular fuel.....(we do get 10% ethanol now so in my fuzzy math that means in a 20 gallon tank I have 2 gallons of alcohol already??) I know it won't do anything for the one tank as far as fuel economy is concerned, but if it helps clean the motor out then maybe the gas mileage will improve for the future tanks?? The worse that could happen is the fuel system might be a little cleaner????? Any thoughts on this???
I just changed the plugs and am getting ready to do an oil change as soon as I buy the filter..
What does everyone think??