There can be FE benefits to having a lambda sensor : I have a wideband + display fitted to my car (although the ECU doesn't use any lambda input), and it has helped to improve my fuel economy greatly. Yesterday I did a lot of driving, at above highway speeds, with no drafting, heavy winds + very heavy rain +standing water. The only fuel-economy orientated thing I did was to ensure the engine didn't go into enrichment mode, but ran at near stoichometric (by watching the Air-Fuel Ratio gauge. Slight increases in throttle caused the mixture to go from 14.8 -> 10.8 with very little increase in performance (but a lot more fuel being used).
On this run, I got 31mpg, while for this kind of driving in the past, before the AFR gauge, I got 24mpg, and that was with better weather conditions too!.
Team GasMisers5 - #1 for first three rounds of the original GS Fuel Economy Challenge
Miles displaced by e-bike since 1 Jan 2008: 62.6 ( 0 kWh used)