Originally Posted by roadyj
Each is 5 watts 16.5v max
The three panels in parallel will produce a peak, maximum, noon, clear-sky, no tint to the glass output of 15 watts.
One brake lamp bulb consumes 21 watts. You'll need 3 minutes of the best possible scenario daylight to produce enough power to run just one brake lamp for 2 minutes.
Parking the car with a helio-static tracker moving the panels for 7 hours will restore 105 watt hours of power, enough for one hour of two 55 watt headlights only.
If you're considering multiple batteries, just add a second to the car and forget the panels.
Not that small panels aren't worthwhile, just be aware of their limitations. They are ideal for long duration extremely low consumption, or for very brief intervals of high consumption.
One of my panels get used to trickle the battery when I park for weeks. It can keep up with the radio memory and alarm consumption with just a few hours a day of moderate light. The other panel recharges a 12 volt battery in my shed. That powers an inverter for the pair of 40 watt fluorescent lights in there. I get about an hour of light (80 Whr) for each week.