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Old 10-18-2007, 08:14 PM   #1
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small parking spaces make small cars desirable

Starting a new thread, as the old one has gotten longer than a Hummer limo. Someone mentioned making small cars desirable by forcing large cars to obey lower speed limits, and someone else suggested the other way-- higher speed limits for smalls.

Why not premium parking spaces? That's already being done in some places. Right next to handicapped spaces, have "compact car only" spaces, and make sure they really are too small for an SUV. For pay parking in downtowns, have those spots cost less or even be free. Now, I know what'll happen-- a few idiots in big cars will park there anyway. A few parking tickets would discourage that. But I'd prefer making it truly impossible to squeeze a monster in. Maybe these tiny cars could change out the traditional swing door for a slide door, the better to fit in a narrow spot.

Further, why not a special program rather like handicapped people get? You could have special license plates (for less money of course) with some appropriate symbol like that wheelchair symbol the handicapped have. Maybe a green flame? Or a rayed sun? Naturally, only small efficient cars would qualify for those, and only cars with those plates could use the specially designated small car parking spots.

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Old 10-18-2007, 08:50 PM   #2
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Walmart already has private parking spots for a Metro

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Old 10-18-2007, 08:57 PM   #3
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Nice rear wheel skirts. I agree with the small parking priority parking spaces.
three stripes the charm!

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Old 10-18-2007, 09:14 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Coyote X View Post
Walmart already has private parking spots for a Metro

That's hilarious! My friend did the same with his accent - backwards because the side mirrors
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Old 10-18-2007, 10:14 PM   #5
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I can see that the picture was taken at night in a desolate part of the lot, but if I saw someone doing that during the day (of a crowded lot) I would be tempted to hurl a cart at a car. I know this was done as a joke/prank here. But its when people start believing that they are the exception to the rule that ticks me off. For instance, the people who park in the handicap when there is nothing wrong with them. Or when people park in front of a store idling while someone goes inside and shops.

I try not to be offensive while driving and certainly when parking. I don't need to give someone a reason to key my car or slash my tires. Other than that, I find the picture amusing.
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Old 10-19-2007, 03:55 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by bzipitidoo View Post
Right next to handicapped spaces, have "compact car only" spaces, and make sure they really are too small for an SUV.
In theory it is useful. However, I cringe at "compact car only" spaces, because so many people with big hulking cars (or even full sized trucks) will dangeriously pull into those spots. So unless there was SERIOUS enforcement of these spaces (along the lines of the big panalties for using a "handicapped spot" without the proper tag/ID), this would just make things MUCH more dangerous.

For example, just today I was in a parking garage attending a professional meeting. A lot of the parking spaces where taken, I and was a little late to my meeting, so when I found two "compact car" spaces next to each other, I happily pulled into the right one (since my CRX clearly is a compact car). However, when I later got back to my car, I was amazed to see some jerk had pulled their SUV into the "compact car" space to my left!

Thankfully they didn't scrape my paint (when they pulled in), but they were so close our side-view mirrors were within an inch of touching each other! In fact, the only way I was able to (very carefully) pull out, was to enter via my passenger door, and then climb over my car's stick-shift to get into the driver's seat (as there wasn't even enough room for me to fit between the cars on the driver side, much less get in that way).

No, without some serious enforcement of parking laws, we don't need any more compact car only spaces...
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Old 10-19-2007, 10:29 PM   #7
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There are some in Duncan and Victoria British Columbia. The ones in Duncan are for cars under 3.7 metres in length (the MINI is the largest car that will fit), and in Victoria they have spaces for cars that are under 3 metres long (smart + motorcycles only). The smart spaces in Victoria are half price and very well located.

There are some problems with numb-nuts SUV drivers and so forth trying to park in them (these spaces are always at the end of a row of parking) and the Victoria parking enforcement hammers these folks HARD, even if the meter has been plugged. $60 fine and possible tow away if it's sticking into traffic.
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Old 10-19-2007, 11:02 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by DracoFelis View Post
In theory it is useful. However, I cringe at "compact car only" spaces, because so many people with big hulking cars (or even full sized trucks) will dangeriously pull into those spots. So unless there was SERIOUS enforcement of these spaces (along the lines of the big panalties for using a "handicapped spot" without the proper tag/ID), this would just make things MUCH more dangerous.

For example, just today I was in a parking garage attending a professional meeting. A lot of the parking spaces where taken, I and was a little late to my meeting, so when I found two "compact car" spaces next to each other, I happily pulled into the right one (since my CRX clearly is a compact car). However, when I later got back to my car, I was amazed to see some jerk had pulled their SUV into the "compact car" space to my left!

Thankfully they didn't scrape my paint (when they pulled in), but they were so close our side-view mirrors were within an inch of touching each other! In fact, the only way I was able to (very carefully) pull out, was to enter via my passenger door, and then climb over my car's stick-shift to get into the driver's seat (as there wasn't even enough room for me to fit between the cars on the driver side, much less get in that way).

No, without some serious enforcement of parking laws, we don't need any more compact car only spaces...
if you had a old clunker car(ya know paint fading 1000doro dings, bondo everywhere) i woudla door dinged the sh*t outa thier door that and prolly "accidently" wedge my body between the 2 cars and have my keys hangin out of my pocket. jerks like that dont deserve to have thier cars treated with respect.
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Old 10-20-2007, 10:49 AM   #9
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no smaller parking spaces put dents in my doors from bigger cars that can't fit!
don't waste your time or time will waste you
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Old 10-20-2007, 08:44 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by DracoFelis View Post

For example, just today I was in a parking garage attending a professional meeting. A lot of the parking spaces where taken, I and was a little late to my meeting, so when I found two "compact car" spaces next to each other, I happily pulled into the right one (since my CRX clearly is a compact car). However, when I later got back to my car, I was amazed to see some jerk had pulled their SUV into the "compact car" space to my left!

Thankfully they didn't scrape my paint (when they pulled in), but they were so close our side-view mirrors were within an inch of touching each other! In fact, the only way I was able to (very carefully) pull out, was to enter via my passenger door, and then climb over my car's stick-shift to get into the driver's seat (as there wasn't even enough room for me to fit between the cars on the driver side, much less get in that way).
Closest I have come was when I had my old International Scout with the top off...great to park...rusty as hell, you would more likely get tetanus than hurt it...some idiot had parked his car partly into the only remaining parking space just prior to final exams...well, got the scout in with about 1/4" to spare, stood up, walked out the rear of my truck, and went to the library for a while.

The guy came out a while later and asked me to move my truck so he could leave. Looked at him, smiled and went back to reading. Took him about 3 minutes of grunting to get over his shifter and into his car, backed out and hit his mirror on my fender...

He asked if I want to call the police for a report, and I kept reading and waved good bye. God Bless beaters!

Other times, I usually just fold their mirrors back when I get out to avoid injuries to myself...and leave them a reminder that parking BETWEEN the lines is a good idea.

I am completely in support of the compact car spots...and towing the ones that either cannot read, have no sense of spacial relationships, or believe they have a reverse TARDIS.

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