Simple Vx lean burn question... - Fuelly Forums

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Old 07-25-2007, 05:36 AM   #1
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Simple Vx lean burn question...

I do own a Civic VX 1992. I bought it 3 years ago with 148 000 KM. Actually got 207 000 KM and I can really say its a great car, so reliable, and with a great fuel economy. I'm about 5L / 100km at 55-60mph.

BUT I have a question. The thing is that at the beginning, a green upper arrow was turning On (on the dash board, near the cheak engine light and so...) (I guess from what I read on different forum that it was to telling me to change gear). But since 1 year or so, I never saw the green arrow turning On. I'm wondering if this green arrow mean that the lean fuel / air ratio mix is ON or what exactly did this mean. If it does, I will probably go to a Honda garage to make it fix to get even a better fuel economy. Thanks to take time to reply if you have any idea.

Great forum btw.

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Old 07-25-2007, 03:14 PM   #2
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Three possibilities:

1) The shift indicator bulb is blown.
2) Your dash lights are dim in the daytime because the headlights are on or the ECU thinks they are. Like most cars, the dash lights dim when the headlights are on because it's dark. I can't see the shift up indicator in the daytime when the headlights are on.
3) The ECU is not providing ground to the light when it should because it is not receiving the proper info from the necessary inputs (VSS, tach signal, etc.)

The D15Z1 (VX) and D15B8 (CX) have the shift up indicator. Nothing special about it really. The ECU is preprogrammed to provide ground to the light during certain driving conditions. Lower rpm saves gas and that's all it's really telling you to do. Shift up before the rpm's get too high - no fun at all!

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Old 07-25-2007, 03:47 PM   #3
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Fine. The thing that was really bothering me were if that light was link to a king of systeme on the motor (like air/fuel mixture of cutting on of the intake valve). So I'm a gonna leave all this like it is cause I know when to shift and which gear to be. Thanks a lot.
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Old 07-25-2007, 09:02 PM   #4
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I'm pretty sure that light is on the list of lightst that come on and do a self check when you turn the key on, I'll check tomarow for sure tho, so if the bulb is good the light should come on befor you start the car and have the key in.
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Old 07-26-2007, 06:25 AM   #5
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Yes, Yes Ryland I think you are right, the light was turning on when I started the car, the firsts months a got the car, but nothing since then. But my MPG is as good as before so I aint gonna play around to change the bulb.

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Old 07-27-2007, 05:10 AM   #6
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I checked yesterday as well, and the green upshift arrow does come on and do a self check, along with all the other engine related dash lights, so your bulb is most likely burnt out, if you take the dash appart to change the bulb it might be worth checking in to getting LED dash lights.
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Old 07-27-2007, 06:17 AM   #7
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check the little rubber bump stop above the clutch pedal, there's a switch there that tells the computer that the clutch is released, if the little rubber thing rots and falls out like mine did the light will not come on... there's one for the brake lights too, and they'll stay on all the time and kill your battery too... i had both of these conditions happen on my car within a week of eachother...
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Old 08-18-2007, 06:34 PM   #8
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Hi, first post here. I just became the proud owner of a 1993 Honda Civic VX about an hour ago. I drove it home just now which was about an hour drive, mostly on the highway, and the gas gauge barely budged. The car seems solid, but there are a few things that need attending to. First, the idle is needing adjustment (I am hoping it is just in need of adjustment and not something worse.) It stalled once on the ride home slowing down at a red light while in neutral-- the rpm would bounce below 1000 and finally it stalled. Whenever idling once the engine is warmed up, it starts dropping, then it quickly goes up again to about 900 then it drops again to about 500. At a cold start it idles at about 2000rpm. When pressing the clutch to shift, the engine does not immediately drop to 1000, even when the engine is warm. It kind of lingers for a bit and then drops. As soon as I disengage the clutch, the RPM drops like normal. But the "lag" while the clutch is fully pressed down is not normal and I would like to get it fixed!. The person who sold me the car said it had to do with the throttle body. I am just hoping there is a relatively easy/inexpensive fix for this. I really want to take good care of this car and eek as many miles and years out of it as possible.

About the green shift up arrow light. This seems to be working, but it didn't always come on during my drive home. It seems to come on when I am accelerating slowly. It also seems to be very optimistic about how low of an RPM it can be at. Sometimes it would come on at 36mph while I'm in 4th gear, which I don't think is even at 1500RPM yet! I'd shift and be at like 1100RPM in 5th gear... this is surely too low to be optimum? Sort of sounded like it was lugging, but hard to say because there is a panel under the hood that rattles. Is my green arrow working properly? Is it this "optimistic" for other VX owners? This obviously is not as much of a concern as the idling/shifting problem. Any VX owners who can offer any advice is greatly appreciated!

three stripes the charm!

Car mods are overrated. Just gotta adjust that nut behind the wheel for best mpg.

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Old 08-21-2007, 02:54 PM   #9
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About the green light turning on in 4 at 35 mph, I did ear about it and I think its normal. Normal, but dont do it, your engine will suffer at 1100 rpm in 5 hehe. But about your idle problem, I would say that its your O2 sensor Oxygen that need to be replaced. Its a litle bit expensive, 200-300$ maybe but I would recommand you to start over a new thread, because this one is kinda old and I'm not sure people will read it. I could be wrong because I'm a amateur, but try to get other replies. And btw, congradulation on your new car, and like I see, there is a litle bit of rust on it, and you seems to be living in the Maine, so you probably have winter and for a 93 cars, its normal. Im in Quebec and you should have seen my civic when I bought it 2 years ago, sooooo much rust. But I got it painted (just the rusty spot) and since then I put "anti rust" (dont know the exact therm in english sorry) and its fine since then. These are exelent cars for FE, and its Honda, so you know what you are up to...

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