Originally Posted by StorminMatt
I do realize that saying ANYTHING negative about the Smart amounts to blasphemy around here. But I know PLENTY of people who share my feelings on the styling of the Smart. Honestly, I would rather drive a 1970 Dodge Coronet station wagon than THAT thing. On the other hand, the poor gas mileage is NOT opinionated. It really IS pathetic that a car THAT small and underpowered can't even touch 40MPG on the freeway.
Not ANYTHING negative actually and I know PLENTY of people too who share your feelings too but it seems like the people who follow me around town daily to ask about the car far outweigh that number. I won't get into the thing with how most of people who think the little thing is ugly are the super macho guys who have underlying issues with their sexuality and try to cover it up. AH HA! Made you think! That's just an opinionated statement too.

I respect your opinion but your hate does run deep for the smart which is odd..did a smart owner steal your girlfriend/wife?

In all honesty - my disgust for BMW's runs about the same as your hate for smarts - it seems like 90% of them drive around like maniacs, but that's just my opinion

As far as mileage. It can touch 40mpg on the freeway so I'm not sure where your getting your info from on that. I've had 2 tanks that were under 40mpg and one was the first tank which meant the car was at the dealer idling killing mpgs and wasn't my doing. The other was less than .5mpg under 40mpg. It seems lately with A/C I'm getting a steady 41mpg though

. One thing I never mentioned was my gross weigh, meaning the capacity the vehicle can carry is maxed out almost ever time I drive the car. Between the wife and myself and all my tools I keep in the car etc. we reach the rated capacity. I've been working out like crazy to lose weight but it keeps getting replaced with muscle, getting skinnier but bulking up.

If the Smart had a lower profile it would definitely get much better mileage, with the way I sit in the seat I have a useless 9-10 inches worth of dead space between the top of my head and the roof. The roominess in the interior is what makes it appealing to the geriatric crowd as well as ease of entry and exit - all attributed to the darn tallness of the car, which is what kills the mileage.
Still, not ANYTHING negative you say will be discredited and heck - opinions are still fine. You just stated it like it was fact and my mood at the moment back when I wrote that I had a problem with it. Almost like going to the mall and telling a mother of a newborn baby just how ugly her baby really is - whether it is ugly or not you think it is.

No hard feelings at all StorminMatt - we're all grown up and just having fun here.
FWIW, a 70 Coronet wagon done up to be a Road Runner/GTX wagon would be awesome! Keep a slant 6 in it for mileage and you'd have me hooked.