I've toyed with getting one of those programmable LED signs for the back and one for the front (mirror).
To remove idiot tailgaters (let's say I'm doing 60 in a 65 zone and they want to do 85 in the slow lane) I simply slam on my brakes if the license plate of the vehicle behind me disappears from my rearview because they are too close, after warning repeatedly by tapping brakes. I know exactly how much I can slow down and then reaccelerate and not get hit. In Washington State this resulted in several spilled lattes from idiots tailgating me - but less tailgaters over time because I found that the SAME people would tailgate all over town! Not so much after they'd been warned by taillight tapping, and then had to slam on their brakes and dump their coffee in their lap! Probably too much coffee is why they were so jumpy & tailgating in the first place.
I have been known to stop dead on the freeway to remove idiots (no other traffic and they want to "draft" off me regardless of my speed. Nothing like someone 6'3" swarming out of a little bitty car to get them to speed off. Only done that twice but it worked.
One time I was driving in northwestern WA state, where I lived literally across the street from the Canadian border. It was POURING rain, and in WA semis have to go slower than regular traffic on the freeway. This guy would NOT let me pass for whatever reason. He was limited to 60 but I could do 70, I just wanted to get around. Every time I'd speed up, he'd speed up and swerve in & out of his lane, throwing up so much water I could not see if he was in my lane so I wouldn't hit him.
Finally I flicked my brights, once, to let him know I wanted to pass, as there was zero other traffic around. He turned on his LOADING DOCK LIGHT, on the freeway! Basically a headlight/spotlight that you shine backwards onto the loading dock! I slowed down as it was only about five more minutes to my exit. Had to do 50 because he mandated it.
BUT - at the exit I was able to easily pass him, and go to the Customs checkpoint. I told them EXACTLY what happened - he was swerving, speeding up & slowing down, and he turned on a rear-facing spotlight aimed at my windshield. Now these symptoms to me appear to be those that a drunk driver might exhibit - and I repeated that - he might be drunk or under the influence of some drugs, who knows, maybe even smuggling something.
I pointed it out, gave them the license # (it was Canadian plates, there is only ONE place you go on Interstate 5 at that point of night), and they ran over to him at the truck checkpoint, guns drawn. I bet it was several hours before he got home that night! I just turned around and went home and slept well.
I can't stand tailgaters, I keep at least "three stripes" myself if trying to take advantage of any aero drafting, usually just my own aero and no one elses.
Personally if you want to draft, I have no issue, but if the person indicates (brake lights tapped repeatedly) they don't want you to draft, be safe and find another target. Personal opinion here.
Looking to trade for an early 1988 Honda CRX HF (Pillar mounted seat belts)