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Old 06-14-2008, 08:02 PM   #31
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I don't get it, why do you hate tailgators? Is it cuz you have some subconcious personal space thing or because you're afraid of getting hit? In the spirit of this forum they are getting better mpg cuz they're in your draft. If they hit you it will be entirely their fault and if this is the reason you hate them does slamming your brakes on and increasing the risk of an accident really help? If you're in the right lane of a multi don't sweat it. They'll pass when they can. If they're stuck behind you on a 2 lane road and you really want to slam your brakes cuz you're pissed at them just put your right turn-signal on a moment before. They'll get a clean, legal pass and it's off your mind. Part of driving efficiently is helping other cars drive more efficiently. Maybe he is on the brink of making a 5-6 shift and just needs another 5mph. Both of you slamming your brakes hurts the fuel economy of 2 cars.

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Old 06-14-2008, 08:05 PM   #32
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I routinely go 45 - 50 mph on the Interstate in the 65 mph zones near my residence. I am probably not making much of a difference in the traffic flow though since I only drive for a couple of miles on the freeway.

Just put on your hazard lights/flashers and keep to the far right side of the road. Other drivers should see you and go around.


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Old 06-14-2008, 08:12 PM   #33
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Exactly, go whatever speed you want. Just try to help other people do the same. Keep it safe and curtious.
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Old 06-14-2008, 09:03 PM   #34
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Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the last 3 accidents I have ben involved in were due to idiots hitting me in the rear end.

Maybe its because my present physcial condition places me at serious risk of PARALYSIS due to combined effects of spinal injuries.

In other words they could put me in a wheelchair for life.

Of course the idiot that paralyzes me for life wont have the financial resources to pay for the permanent disability they could easily inflict when their 4500 pound battering ram hits my 2084 pound car.

Maybe its the fact that if they seriously injure my wife the consequences could be the termination of their life.

Its proven that tailgating at 3 feet behind someone reduces the benefits of drafting.

Drafting a Honda Civic in a full sized Chevy truck wount make any significant difference in your fuel mileage anyway.

In heavy traffic that kind of stupidity only results in the brake light whiplash scenario where most of the accidents here are the result of dumb a$$ drivers. They are almost invariably driving large vehicles and even if you pull over and get out of their way there is another vehicle in their precious way 100 feet ahead of you.

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Old 06-14-2008, 09:23 PM   #35
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I'm not saying that tailgating is safe or not rude but aggressive driving in response is the worst thing you can do. You think you can make them stop tailgating. I say get them by you and you can stop worrying. I wonder why you've been in at least three accidents and I've been in none.

Edit: Didn't mean that last line as an insult I'm just saying you can act to avoid being hit from behind if you have the skills and awareness.
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Old 06-15-2008, 06:16 AM   #36
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Lets see

One time I pulled off the road instead of letting an idiot ram me in the arse in my 59 Corvette. The other driver actually thanked me for anticipating his stupidity and getting out of his way.

Another moron in a SUV pulled over right on top of me on a motorcycle. He apologized also, I saw it coming and moved over.

Three other times I have pulled into intersections to keep from getting hit in the rear end when I was stopped at a light.

Maybe the reason I have been in many near accidents, is because I have driven over 1,000,000 miles in 42 years in an area known for its congestion, tourists, school kids, and people who think when you get hit in the rear end its your fault.

I have put my car in gear and accelerated when I saw a car sliding sideways coming at my arse (4 high school girls yakking away). I managed to reduced the impact, couldnt get in first gear fast enough, and for my efforts to avoid injury the insurance company refused to replace the transmission in my car after their customer knocked it 100 feet across a busy 4 lane highway. In exactly the same spot a woman was rear ended in a corvette that ignited the gas tank and fired her in the drivers seat.

No one who travels with me wants anyone else to drive. My father told me once I was the only driver he had enough confidence in to fall asleep while I was driving. He has been married for 62 years, and he doesn't trust my mother.

And your level of skills and awareness?
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Old 06-15-2008, 06:17 AM   #37
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And no person has ever been injured in a car I was driving for 42 years.

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Old 06-15-2008, 06:28 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by 101mpg View Post
I've toyed with getting one of those programmable LED signs for the back and one for the front (mirror).


Finally I flicked my brights, once, to let him know I wanted to pass, as there was zero other traffic around. He turned on his LOADING DOCK LIGHT, on the freeway! Basically a headlight/spotlight that you shine backwards onto the loading dock! I slowed down as it was only about five more minutes to my exit. Had to do 50 because he mandated it.


Personally if you want to draft, I have no issue, but if the person indicates (brake lights tapped repeatedly) they don't want you to draft, be safe and find another target. Personal opinion here.
So that's what those lights are. I was drafting a truck too close (before I find out about "3 stripes" and he turned on those lights.) I now am very careful not to get any truckers upset at me--and drafting is working find with no issues except the occasional car that goes between me and the semi I'm drafting.
three stripes the charm!

Car mods are overrated. Just gotta adjust that nut behind the wheel for best mpg.

Forget about World Peace...Visualize using your turn signal.
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Old 06-15-2008, 06:49 AM   #39
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I really had no intention to cause a heated discussion when I bumped this thread, I just wanted to see if anyone would laugh at my urinating car mod.


You have a particularly unique set of circumstances that I believe calls for some different priorities than many others on this forum. Based on what you've written in this thread, I think I see these data points:
- You are one small bump away from permanent total paralysis
- A life paralyzed would be rather unpleasant as well as even more financially burdensome than the same life able-bodied
- You spend a lot of time on the road
- The roads you drive tend to have heavy traffic, possibly more dangerous traffic than other areas
- Most or all collisions you have are rear-end collisions with you in front
- You drive a 2,000 pound car made in 1994

I commend you on your contribution to energy shortages and environmental concerns. However, if it were me in your situation, I would make the choice to protect myself better by driving something that has more mass. You surely know the physics involved; with more mass, the collision will cause less acceleration, less shock on your body. Additionally, a more modern vehicle has better safety technology. I'm not saying that I think you're wrong for driving what you drive, just that it may be worth some additional thought -- because if it were me, it'd be well worth doubling, tripling, or quadrupling my driving cost to buy a reduction in the chance of such dire consequences resulting from such a common occurance.
This sig may return, some day.
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Old 06-15-2008, 07:06 AM   #40
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Good point holycow.

I rebuilt a 77 Accord that had 13 k miles on it when it was totalled. Sold it to my dad who used it to cover the Florida Keys as a voulenteer for the American Cancer Society.

My mother was driving the Honda on US1 one evening when a drunk in a Cadillac came across the road in their lane. Good old mom did a nice swerve into the other lane to avoid the collision. Pop told me later that if they had been in their 73 Montego tank they would have never benn able to avoid the head on 100 MPH impact. I actually swerved across the oncoming traffic lane into a parking lot one night when another drunk came across the lane within 100 yards of the exact same place where it had happened to them before.

That was 30 years ago. Last night we had a get together for fathers day. Mom was born in 1925 and Pop was born in 1921. They drove her cadillac Elodorado to the Texas Roadhouse where their 4 sons, wives, and grandchildren had a blast, a great fathers Day. 13 people at the table.

Maybe I should drive a tank, but then I would sacrifice manuverability to avoid an wreck.

Anyway you point is valid and well considered. At this point in my life I still prefer to have the tools to avoid a collision. I just dont care for fools who don't even know what tools they have much less use them.

Situational awareness is the key, as well as always assuming any other driver will do the stupidist thing you could imagine.

Driving is therapy for me. The vibrations help to ease stiffness and discomfort.
There are not many more things I enjoy more anymore, and my vehicle choice could indeed end my lifestyle. The other side is it could save my lifestyle.

Choices you have to make, typically I just let them pass and go tailgate the car in front of me. I actually give them more distance to avoid being involved in an accident.

In the thirty years since the incident in the keys 1.4 million people have died on US highways.


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