Oh you mean wheel diameter. If you hold a 26" bicycle wheel/tire up to a 14" car/tire you'll find they aren't very far off in terms of size (for instance my road bikes tires/wheels are only a few inches taller than the 13" tires/wheels on my car, and a bit smaller than the 15" tires/wheels on my truck), since car tires have way more sidewall compared to bike tires. The change in angle wrt the outer diameter isn't very different. In fact, other confounds, like lack of a suspension in many bikes, leads to small bike tires having a lot of give to them, so it's not exactly a tomato tomatoe deal compared to cars, where the suspension dissapates energy from rough riding.
Originally Posted by FormulaTwo
I think if i could get that type of FE i would have no problem driving a dildo shaped car.