Well, I finally decided to make the switch on my 4 Runner from the thermo fan clutch to an electric radiator fan today. Found a used Mark VIII electric fan and ordered a variable speed fan controller for it today. I went the variable speed unit since I can adjust its temp setpoint to where I want, that and I just like to control stuff.
I'm hoping to accomplish two goals with this change.
One, the obvious one, improve FE by reduced parasitic load.
Two, increase my engine temp a bit by increasing the radiator outlet temperature. I've checked my existing setup and found that my radiator is really over cooling the water outlet temp. On an average 95f day the outlet is about 115f now with a 180f inlet. Its also taking a long time to get my engine up to the upper 180's on the Scangauge and almost never sees 190f.
Between the two, I'm hoping for a 2 mpg improvement.
I'll post some pic's when I finish.