Pictures pictures, was just out putting carpet in, so admire this stuff.
97 LS Integra Gauge Cluster:

My shifter and the holes I covered up below it (And the lack of a shift boot)

My yearbook! Graduation is tomorrow, w00t w00t, dartmouth, here I come.
Anyway, it just started pouring, so I'll move it into the garage to finish up stuff in the interior, *shrug*
PS: My shift linkage bolt fell out yesterday (bolt, not the proper pin) so I got another 12mm bolt from a spare IM where the IACV attachs, will work fine until my pin gets in stock on tuesday at honda ($1.37).
Anyway, la la la, I can't think of anything else.
Budomove, when do you wanna do your tranny? I'm free anytime now and I'd like to get some practice so mehbe I can get a few clutch jobs this summer,