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Old 07-11-2007, 08:25 AM   #1
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Platinum Fuel Saver

I have bought and installed one of the Platinum Fuel Savers and had excellent results. My baseline MPG before installation was 16.2 and now it is 19.7. I drive a 2003 Toyota Tundra V8.

What I wanted to know is if anyone else has tried the Platinum Fuel Saver and what their results were?
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Old 07-11-2007, 08:32 AM   #2
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cowboyjack. Man, a name like that deserves this:
'26 Songs of the Old West' CD. Great old songs.

PM your mailing address and it will be on the way. I'm your neighbor in Colorado.
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Old 07-11-2007, 11:47 AM   #3
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OK, I'll bite.....What is the "Platinum Fuel Saver"?
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Old 01-04-2010, 10:00 AM   #4
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Platinum Vapor Injection

Originally Posted by SL8Brick View Post
OK, I'll bite.....What is the "Platinum Fuel Saver"?
The ultimate in ignorance is displayed by those who reject, out of hand, that which they know nothing about.

Edit by 101MPG:
Ignorance simply is lack of knowledge. Stupidity is using the word ignorant and its variants in place of the word stupidity.

This is your public warning from the moderators - no name calling or trying to call others stupid.

That being said, Google Platinum vapor fuel catalyst.
A catalytic process using the well known, proven properties of platinum to improve the complete burning of fuel.The Platinum Vapor Solution and device to apply the solution invented by a Mensa engineer back in the mid seventies to improve the combustion cycle of Oil fired boilers this worked very well, saving, sometimes over forty percent in heating bills for apartment houses along the Eastern Seaboard. Some other benefits recorded at that time were an attendant reduction of soot and harmful emissions from the exhaust stacks of the boiler fireboxes.. Being the enterprising engineer that he is, the inventor extended his invention to the combustion processes of the internal combustion engine. Yup fellers, when properly applied, works very well. Proper application is well covered and documented by the people holding the patents to this day.
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Old 01-04-2010, 01:21 PM   #5
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Actually, the ultimate in ignorance is shown by those who accept dubious claims without proof, and throw their money away. Check this link, and note the EPA found no measurable improvement from the Platinum Gassaver.
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Old 01-04-2010, 01:38 PM   #6
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Following information comes from this link.

For answers, we sought expert opinion. The federal government's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has tested nearly 100 "fuel savers" over the years and found no significant improvement in fuel economy with any additive or device, according to tests posted on its website,

Consumer Reports (CR), an independent, consumer-oriented testing firm, also evaluated myriad devices. We spoke with David Champion, senior director of CR's Auto Test Center, who said: "you can do more to improve fuel economy by the way you maintain and drive your vehicle then any of these ?gas savers' will ever achieve." Champion singled out the Platinum Gas Saver as typical of marketing hype.

The Platinum Gas Saver ($248 for two) is marketed by the National Fuelsaver Corp. and its ads claim up to 22 percent gains in economy. National Fuelsaver says that the product adds microscopic amounts on platinum to the air and fuel going to the engine, making the vehicle burn fuel more efficiently.

National Fuelsaver says the device may take up to 1,800 miles before it is fully effective, and you may have to advance engine timing or install new oxygen sensors for the system to work properly. According to CR, these actions alone may improve economy without purchasing any additional equipment.

In tests, Consumer Reports saw no improvement in economy after 500 miles of testing. They even replaced all four oxygen sensors in one of the test vehicles to the tune of $748, even though the vehicle was new and did not need sensor replacement. "Magnets, atomizers, vortex generators - none of them work, said Champion.
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Old 01-05-2010, 08:38 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by SentraSE-R View Post
Actually, the ultimate in ignorance is shown by those who accept dubious claims without proof, and throw their money away. Check this link, and note the EPA found no measurable improvement from the Platinum Gassaver.
When taken to task about their(Federal Trade Commission) suit that Platinum Gas Saver was ineffective, here is the quote from Presiding Judge when awarding National Fuel Savers full court costs and handing down his ruling.

Federal Judge Walter J. Skinner, In his own words
"As the Associate Judicial Officer found, The Platinum Fuelsaver device is an effective fuel saving device and purchasers will in fact be receiving what they bargained for. "
Addressing the EPA testing is a much more complicated matter.

1. The EPA didn't allow sufficient mileage for the test vehicles to condition to the use of platinum.
2. The vehicles were final tested on a dyno which does not allow for road resonance through the front wheels to be figured into the equation. This is a clearly stated condition of the inventor in the patent application. Road resonance figures in to the efficient operation of the device to provide proper atomization of minute amounts of platinum to be picked up in the vacuum stream going to the intake manifold. Without that particular dynamic involved, tests are inconclusive and all derived data invalid. Period.
The amount of platinum involved in this process is minute and depends on road resonance to release it into the vacuum stream to the intake manifold. over 500,000 people have purchased this device and continue to purchase refill vials of platinum solution to replenish the supply. I can tell you it works, they can tell you it works. Bottom line you have to try one for yourself. If it works you keep it. If not you send it back and they refund your money. For every 60 dollar vial of solution I purchase,I net a savings of 700 dollars in fuel.
This company also sells an on board continuous oil refining system which eliminates oil changes to a minimum of 100,000 miles and ongoing continuous oil testing has proven this unit to a total of over a million miles without an oil change. Oil still tests out to within 2 to 4 percent of new. My first experience with this oil refiner in its early stages was in 1971 through 1989 running on a 223 cu. inch Ford 6 cylinder engine. The engine ran over 750,000 miles without an oil change, when torn down to replace a head gasket, the mains and inserts were checked and remained within factory operational specs. It doesn't get any better than that. As a result of my over forty years of experience with this technology I support it wholeheartedly and without reservation. Buy one try one, then write about your experience. What do you have to loose? Not your money thats for sure. Additionally, you credibility to cite personal experience is vindicated. Just make sure it is installed according to manufacturer's directions.
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Old 01-04-2010, 01:32 PM   #8
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The problem is, you can google anything and get results. The plain truth of the matter is, it may work, but gasoline is by far cheaper than platinum. I can't see how it can be economical. When I was younger & stupider I fell prey to several of these ploys. I spent money on the "tornado" that is put in your air intake. I bought the fuel line magnets. I bought splitfire spark plugs . I bought numerous additives. None of them increased the mileage, and many of them decreased it. They all successfully did one thing though. Made money for the people selling them. I'm not the only one here with those experiences, so please be kind to those who are skeptical about another "miracle" additive or device.

Oh, and here's what the EPA says about the device:

Testing by EPA:
A detailed report of the testing performed by the EPA is
given in EPA report, EPA-AA-TEB-91-2, ?Emissions and Fuel
Economy Effects of the Platinum Gasaver, a Retrofit
Device? provided as Attachment A. A brief description of,
this testing effort is given below:
?Three typical vehicles were tested at EPA?s Motor
Vehicle Emission Laboratory. The basic test sequence
included 2,000 miles of mileage accumulation, replicate
Federal Test Procedures (FTP) and replicate Highway Fuel
Economy Tests (HFET). This test sequence was conducted
both without and with the Platinum Gasaver installed.?
7. Conclusion:
?The overall conclusion from these tests is that the
Platinum Gasaver did not significantly change vehicle
emissions or fuel economy for either the FTP or HFET.
device clearly did not produce the large -- greater than
20 percent -- fuel economy benefits claimed by the
manufacturer. Therefore, users of the device would not be
expected to realize either an emission or fuel economy
benefit. Vehicle operation and performance were unchanged
by the device?.
The full EPA report on the device is available here:

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Old 01-05-2010, 04:22 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Popeee View Post
The ultimate in ignorance is displayed by those who reject, out of hand, that which they know nothing about.
That being said, Google Platinum vapor fuel catalyst.
A catalytic process using the well known, proven properties of platinum to improve the complete burning of fuel.The Platinum Vapor Solution and device to apply the solution invented by a Mensa engineer back in the mid seventies to improve the combustion cycle of Oil fired boilers this worked very well, saving, sometimes over forty percent in heating bills for apartment houses along the Eastern Seaboard. Some other benefits recorded at that time were an attendant reduction of soot and harmful emissions from the exhaust stacks of the boiler fireboxes.. Being the enterprising engineer that he is, the inventor extended his invention to the combustion processes of the internal combustion engine. Yup fellers, when properly applied, works very well. Proper application is well covered and documented by the people holding the patents to this day.
You seem to like to use terms like "ignorance" to attack legitimate skepticism concerning claims that have been tested and refuted.

"If you don't like the message just kill the messenger", a simple form of propaganda, that may work on some folks, but to most of us it just becomes one of the hundreds of thousands of miracle fuel economy solutions.

But of course when scientific testing reveals no increase in efficiency, you must resort to justifying their lack of positive data with the essential component of success.

"Road resonance"

LOL, maybe if I intentionally imbalanced my tires, the increased "road resonance" would make my mileage improve.

Or I could just request that the state of Virginia make their roads crappier to increase the resonance to help my mileage.

"The ultimate in ignorance"

By your own definition, you should carefully follow my advice. Drive your car off a cliff, turn the engine off before you reach the point of becoming airborne.

Your mileage will be infinite. It doesn't get any better than that .

If you don't do it you are a moron !!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Old 01-12-2010, 10:26 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by SL8Brick View Post
OK, I'll bite.....What is the "Platinum Fuel Saver"?
Glad you asked! Never heard of it!
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