Ok, so for right now I left the original wheels on and the 'Dominator' tires that came with the car which is probably some cheap ture brand (I had never heard of). The sidewalls said 35 psi and I wanted to put 50 in it but at 45 one started to make some noise as I was adding air so I figured that would be a good time to stop
Sunday I finally had a chenace to clean the car and it's actually fun to clean out a new car for the first time I think. The 'gutters' around the hatch (visible only when you open it) had dirt and rotten leafs there that were years old I think and leaving them there would just create rust anyway, so I cleaned that all out and seeing clean white again was very rewarding

Cleaning by hand is also good because you discover all the rust that's starting and I will have to do something about that. It's all jus little spots now.
Anyways, had a decent drive to Michigan and back of 460 miles on which I had the speedometer on 60 mph all the time (it was dark and I didn't dare drive 55 mph). After 460 miles I needed 7.3 gallons of fuel to fill it up again which come to 63 mpg. My best ever in a car!
Putting some LLR tires on it and making a grill block I should be able to get it up to 65 mpg I'd think.
Needless to say I'm happy with the HF! I'll make some pics later this afternoon.