PIB as a fuel additive
Hi everybody. I just found this message on Yahoo! Better MPG group. Vey interesting. I've already ordered my quart of Torco 2-cycle oil and will begin testing when it gets here.
Date: Wed Oct 12, 2005 10:19 am
Subject: Re: http://www.sciencenews.org/articles/20000902/fob3.asp mjoosting
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I've just read from members of Bobistheoilguy.com that polyisobutylene
(PIB) can be found inexpensively from some synthetic 2-stroke oils.
The normal composition of PIB in these oils is around 30%. The
purpose of which is to add lubricity to the fuel and allows the oil to
burn cleanly without soot. An example of a 2-stroke oil that has PIB
is TORCO Smokeless 2-stroke oil that, although expensive, is composed
of 38% PIB.
PIB supposedly works by binding the different sized HC's into larger
droplets. The PIB looses its grip above a certain temperature
dispersing the molecules and allowing them all to burn at the same
time. In this paper
http://www.gtatech.com/downloads/OctaneBoosterPaper.pdf they claim
>20% improvement from only 10ppm PIB. Adding this minute amount of
PIB into your gasoline would require one to dilute about 1 ounce of
PIB-containing 2-stroke oil into 1 gallon of gasoline and then adding
only 1 ounce of the gasoline mixture into each tank of gas.
Obviously, a bottle of 2-stroke oil might last the lifetime of the car
it was used for.
Horsepower is how hard you hit the wall, torque is how much of the wall you take with you.
2007 Prius,

Team Slow Burn