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Old 02-11-2006, 04:27 PM   #41
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Torco and acetone

Check with your local Dirtbike shop they may have it - my local bike shop sells it for $6.99 and got it for $5.00 because my brother works there and I have known the guy since before he opened the business.

I just put a drop of the GP-7 into 100% acetone and it formed a ball of oil in the bottom of the glass jar - shook it up and the oil broke up then slowly reformed into a single ball again. So far no separation into something gummy - maybe the other form of it (EAL) is not as compatible as GP-7.

As far as mileage with GP-7 by all means add it in - I ran this stuff the first time and was surprized how much of a difference it makes and have used it all the time since while skipping the acetone for the last half a tank and not seeing much of a difference with or without acetone. Actually the mpg stayed up after using the acetone and did not go down much if any when I didn't use it. But I continue to use the Torco GP-7 and only 2.5-3cc per 10 gallons.

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Old 02-13-2006, 11:01 AM   #42
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EAL engine assembly lube
Looks like it may be something in the lube that makes it sticky that reacts with acetone so the GP-7 is not a problem nor is the PIB it is the carrier in the EAL that gets to be a sticky mess.

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Old 02-18-2006, 10:40 AM   #43
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Just picked up a quart of Xylene from Ace in a 20% off sale . . . man that is the stuff in spay paint PHEW!!! NASTY!!!
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Old 02-18-2006, 06:50 PM   #44
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Xylene = Octane

Originally Posted by JanGeo
Just picked up a quart of Xylene from Ace in a 20% off sale . . . man that is the stuff in spay paint PHEW!!! NASTY!!!
Basically, Xylene is the additive that gas companies add to bulk transports of raw gasoline to increase the Octane rating. I used to use it to increase tanks of fuel in my Turbo Lancer Evo. Unfortunately, I ended up spilling about 2 liters in my garage on a cold Winter day 2-3 years ago (due to my own clutziness and fumbling in the cold). My shoes and the tires started melting (and boy did it stink). Be careful. Why Xylene, BTW? If you sign up for the "contractor's" program at Sherwin Williams, you can buy 5-gallons bulk at a discounted rate. You don't even need to be a contractor.

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Old 02-19-2006, 04:24 AM   #45
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Why Xylene because I have a can of plastic dip that is drying out and I needed to soften it up more and that is one of the main ingredance as well as MEK . . . and if I should want to boost the octane a little in my gas. I do have an old high compression engine in my 78R100S BMW. Probably should have baught another gallon of Acetone while on sale but I don't want to stockpile too many flamables.
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Old 03-05-2006, 03:46 AM   #46
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I have been following the politics of PIB as a gasoline additive for a very long time. You are the first people I have found that take this seriously enough to get down in the trenches and find out if and how it works. I haven't even ever tried it myself. I am getting some Torco-GP-7 today and trying it out.

I read at another site that linked me to this thread that it works well until the engines control unit (ECU) adjusts the ignition system so that it no longer gets the extra mileage. I have always suspected that this would happen. Does anyone have any ideas on this?

I believe what happens is that the ECU measures the oxygen content of emissions before and after the catalytic converter. It then adjusts the firing in order to allow the proper amount of oxygen into the piston chamber when the spark plug fires. With PIB, that extra oxygen is not needed. It doesn't work that way.

It works more like gunpowder being restricted from oxygen so that it explodes rather than ignites. But I do not know. This is just a theory and then I saw that posting that supported my concerns. Has anyone who has been using it found an immediate increase in performance and mileage only to lose it later, even after a few hundred miles?
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Old 03-05-2006, 06:16 AM   #47
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That's an interesting

That's an interesting theory. I've never quite understood the ideas that an ecu would make different types of fuel worthless. I know that if you have a knock sensor it will compensate for octane and such, but I have no knock sensor, and only one o2 sensor, so woot for me I guess.
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Old 03-05-2006, 07:08 AM   #48
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From what I have read the PIB keeps the big and small hydrocarbon molecules of gasoline mixed so that they burn better and more completely and the synthetic oil helps upper cylinder lubrication. The decrease in performance is a result of the operator using more gas pedal . . . but it could possibly be buildup on the O2 sensor if too much GP-7 is used. From my readings it looks like my MPG is going up except for this present tank which is due to very short driving trips of less than a mile and the low engine temps. So far it looks like I am only getting about 37mpg for the tank average - of course the epa is 30-33 heh heh heh!
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Old 03-05-2006, 07:41 AM   #49
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Quote:it looks like my MPG

it looks like my MPG is going up
do you attribute that to the GP-7?
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Old 03-06-2006, 11:00 AM   #50
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I think it is a combination of things - all that matters is that it goes up and then I can eliminate one item at a time to see what will bring it back down again. It looks like the GP-7 helps right away but at the time I was adding it I did not have my ScanGauge calibrated so the readings at that time were not consistant with what I get now. The one big factor that limits what I get for mileage is the roads that I drive on. Did some nice smooth 30-40 mph driving yesterday with almost no traffic on country roads and averaged 45mpg until I tried getting up a 16 degree driveway covered with snow. That dragged it back down to 43mpg for the day. The tank average is going up however. Traction control kicked in and it killed the engine power a few feet from the plateau - I had to roll back down backwards - talk about hairy - front wheels were locked and turned sideways and almost had no control of the steering and of course the driveway turns and has plenty of trees to hit on either side.

What I do find is that adding the GP-7 and acetone allow the maximum mpg to get higher than without it.

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