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Old 08-28-2008, 02:19 PM   #1
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My point was that if the person was going to purchase a new car every year anyway, it would get them a nicer car for a lower payment. I would never do it, but if you were never going to pay the car off, and just trade it back in then leasing is a good deal too.


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Old 08-28-2008, 04:25 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by MorningGaser View Post
As to leasing cars, perhaps the worse financial decision Americans make is to lease a car, and nine times out of ten it is a horrible financial thing to do.
LOL, this again...

I'm quite aware of the financial calculations involved with leasing. I'm fully congizant of the meaning and application. I've always been entirely against the idea, and like you, even took time to chide those jerks who admitted to having committed the capital crime of leasing.

Then I got to a point where it was the least intolerable option available. My choices were:

1. Buy a new $30,000 truck in two years, and spend time/money repairing the old one often in the meantime, possibly having to rent a vehicle to get to work sometimes.

2. Get a loan to buy a beater, if the bank would even offer such a loan (I doubt it). I'd also have to buy a dolly so I can tow the car to the mechanic and drive the less-broken vehicle back, and possibly occasionally pay a tow truck to drag my truck there when it's too broken to even tow the car there.

3. Swallow my pride and lease a brand new car to extend my truck's life. My monthly costs are the same as if I kept driving the truck (gas savings pay for lease, insurance, maintenance, etc). Three years later I'll still have a useful truck, having paid no more than if I kept the truck and turned the odometer.

I was in no condition to buy a decent car. I've effectively bought 45,000 miles of life for my truck.
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Old 08-25-2008, 05:03 AM   #3
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It's my experience that conventional vs sythetic in the mpg sense is a wash. Not enough difference to pay the extra cost.

Modern conventional oils will go 5k miles easily, and you could go longer with a calm demeanor if you get an analysis done at 7.5k and longer if the oil is holding up. It's a one-time $25 cost for peace of mind.

The key, rather than conv vs syn, is viscosity. While 0w-30 is 0w a low temps, it's still a 30w at operating temp. There are low-visc 30w's and high-visc 30w's. The lowest visc conventional is Havoline Deposit Shield. The lowest visc "synthetic" is Castrol. This is according to a once-widespread viscosity chart available at the BITOG site.

There are actual synthetic oils (not the super-refined conventional oil that calls itself synthetic nowadays) that can increase mpgs. Royal Purple comes to mind. But, their cost is much higher. Extended change intervals would be a must.

I suppose, at the bottom line, it would depend on whether cost/benefit is your goal or whether pure MPGS at whatever cost is your target. My vehicles aren't at all tempermental so I can get away with using about whatever I feel like pouring into them.

I'm working through my oil stash of various brands/visc's. When they're all used up I'll stick with Havoline DS.

Of course, that's out the window in the wife's Prius that'll be here in a couple of weeks. I'll have to start stocking 0w-20 in the stash. My old (now $2000) CRX gets 88% of the MPGs at less than 10% of the cost. But, wife gets what wife wants...most of the time.
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Old 08-25-2008, 04:44 PM   #4
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Heh, I'm not willing to risk extra internal wear in the truck...I'm hoping to squeeze a lot more miles out of it. Manufacturer says 5W-30, I'll put in 5W-30.
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Old 08-25-2008, 04:54 PM   #5
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I had over 300,000 miles on my old 74 Chevy when I sold it for more money than I paid for it (after driving it for 3 - 4 years and putting about 60,000 miles on it.) I miss that truck. That thing got 28 MPG highway. I was really excited when I bought Rusty. I was thinking man, imagine how far I can go on dual tanks! Then I found out that the 86 Chevy with a 305 needed dual tanks to go as far as the 74 Chevy with a 350 did on one. The only mods I made to that truck were I converted it to an electronic ignition from a 75 Chevy van, platinum plugs, aftermarket cruise control, and I flipped the bonnet on the air cleaner upside down and drove it like my grandfather on a Sunday drive. Oh, and the A/c was cold enough to frost up the windows if it was left on Max.

I'm switching the beast to 0W on the next change. I don't think you'll do any damage switching to a 0w.


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Old 08-25-2008, 06:55 PM   #6
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Having seen a 1982 Nissan 200 SX with 540,000 miles on the original engine, without even a head gasket. An engine that was as clean as brand new inside at over half a milliion miles.

I will use the recommended 5W-30 oil in my VX and keep changing it 3 times in 10,000 miles until sometime in the future, about 8 years from now, when I will have to find a replacement.

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Old 08-29-2008, 06:22 AM   #7
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I'm switching the beast to 0W on the next change. I don't think you'll do any damage switching to a 0w.
You won't do any damage. The 0w is still thicker than the oil at operating temp. It's just thinner than the 5w at start up. It may be slightly thinner once warmed up, but the viscosity varies between brands anyway. The numbers on the bottle are just a labeling system, and don't have a direct correlation to what the viscosity actually is. The numbers rether toa viscosity range.

For example, the Castrol 0w-30 is thick for a 30, and is close to a 40. The Mobil synthetics are on the thinner side. The oil manufacturers should have spec sheets up on their sites with the exact numbers.

I've seen an increase in economy between oil types in the Prius, but it was a change of 5w-30 to 0w-20. It was likely the 30 to 20 change mostly responsible. The 0w may of had a slight edge over the 5w-20 I later tried during the winter. With an hybrid or excessive EOCing, the extra thinness when cooled may help.

I'm currently using a 5w-20 in the HHR, and haven't seen that much of an improvement. I think my technique is more responsible. I'm going back to a 30 weight next change. GM uses an oil monitoring system that is calibrated for dino oil in the car. I'd like to try a 0w during the winter, but I'm hesitant to go synthetic do to that system.
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Old 08-29-2008, 06:45 AM   #8
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As long as we're discussing viscosities, what might be the long term effects of switching an engine that the MFR recommended 5w30 in 1998 to a 0w20? I'm currently operating Mobil 1 5w30 synthetic, and have for the past ~40,000 miles. I am definately switching to a 0w oil on my next change, but I have been toying with the idea of maybe doing 4 quarts of 0w30, and 1 qt of 0w20, or even pondering switching entirely to a 0w20. The Beast has an "old skool" small block 350 in it with 152,000 miles. Does not leak or burn oil. My oil consumption is ~ 1 Qt every 4,000 miles or so, and most of that is probably wiped off the dipstick as I check my oil every time I put gas in it. Also, with a 5,000 mile change interval my oil never turns black. It gets dark brown, but I've never seen black oil in it.


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Old 08-29-2008, 06:49 AM   #9
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Mobil 1 Advanced Fuel Economy is a 0w oil. They offer 0w-20 and 0w-30. I think I filled my car with the 30 and topped it off with the 20 before a trip. The AFE oil is actually cheaper than the normal Mobil 1 by a few dollars and is why I got it.

Since winter is coming and my car is nearing the 10k change point I will probably just fill it with the 20.
- Kyle
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Old 08-29-2008, 08:10 AM   #10
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I re-read this post.

The first time around I missed "the lease part". I won't get into my feelings on leases but lease = it is not your car. So since you already bought the oil use it and see if there is a mpg benefit with the 0w over the heavier weight oil. Even if you got 1/2 mpg more out of it, I would think that over your extended drain interval of 10,000 miles as you mentioned, you would be a little ahead on your extra $18 expendature.

As an aside, I switched 5w30 dino to 5w30 syn in a vehicle right after engine break in and had trouble trying to discern an actual mpg increase. Just too many variables in my driving at the time. But that was the same weight oil but I would imagine if you went to the 0w there might/should be a more discernable difference. They claim it is a fuel saveing weight, but I don't know how much of that is advertising BS so I guess you have to try it yourself and see if it works in your application, as it is difficult for an individual to do a scientific test where you can eliminate all variables. I still use the syn over dino in that vehicle, but mainly because I believe it has better lube qualities.
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