I finally did it; a 60+ day.

Here's the rundown:
51.9 mpg - 5.8 miles(wife's work)
2) 60.5 " - 9.6 miles(my work)
3) 63.0 " - 9.6 miles(back to wife's work)
4) 61.2 " - 10.8(to my mom's)
5) 61.6 " - 12.1( mom's to grocery store)
6) 56.1 " - 12.1(back to mom's)
7) 71.0 " - 5.1(home)
8) 63.1 " - 5.2(took daughter to church)
76.1 " - 5.3(back home)
Average for the day: 60.8 mpg.

Temp for the day was from ~25F-43F.