The disconnected idle speed control looks like it may have helped. I had 43.0 for the first leg of my morning commute and I did no EOC. This is one of my better numbers for this segment without EOC The engine idles at least 300 rpm's slower than it did before. When the engine is stone cold, I do have to feather the pedal a bit but within 1/4-1/2 mile it will idle without dying. If this becomes too big of a problem I may have to look into hooking up a switch for cold starts.[/QUOTE]
My cold start experience was almost identical to yours. I let it idle slow just to see what would happen and it died and set a code. I think it was just for missing but I didn't read the code carefully before I cleared it. I made it to work at 47 mpg. My best ever. I was on the freeway going a little over 60. A big truck got in my way and I couldn't pass up the draft.

. Coming home I made an extra stop so just managed 63 mpg. The homeward bound is on secondary roads with mostly 40 mph limit.
Darn, I am driving like my brother that I used to make fun of.
I have to get serious about some fender skirts and things like that now.