"I couldn't make out the words very well. "
Ack! OK so I tried making more copies hoping to make it legible, but nothing worked. So I'll just type it out.
The line at the top is labeled 'EGT' (exhaust gas temp), it has a scale on the right side that says,'Change From Max EGT' and it's labeled with a 0 at the top of the scale. Going down the scale the numbers are -100, -200, -300 degrees C.
The next line down is 'CHT' (cylinder head temp). It's scale is on the left which says,'Change From Max Power CHT, deg C. The numbers on the scale start with 10 at the top, going down is 0, -10, -20, -30.
Next is % Power. It's scale is on the right showing % Max Indicated Power. The numbers from top to bottom are; 100, 90, 80, 70%.
Reading down the chart there are some blurry words left of center that say 'Best Power Range'. Those words are in a light grey shaded area which corresponds to the peak of the 'max power' line.
Just right of center is another set of blurry words in a darker shaded area that say,'Best Economy Range'. There's an arrow pointing at the shaded area.
At the bottom of the chart are two lines that cross. Sorry, I can't tell which is which on the left side. It probably doesn't matter at that point anyway. The line that curves up and down is labeled,'Specific Fuel Consumption'. The line that continues downward is 'Fuel Consumption'.
At the very bottom of the chart is the general opinion that the left side of the chart is 'rich' and the right side is 'lean'. HTH
I just realised the info on the chart probably doesn't matter as much to you since you have a Scangage.

Can't you just gradually lean it out while driving at a steady speed until the SG shows max mpg? That'd be too easy!
Ima hafta get me one a deez