Personal best today on the way HOME from work. Here's the info :
MPG : 42.5
Route : 105 East -> 710 North -> 10 East -> exit freeway -> North on Rosemead
Miles : 35.6
MPH Avg : 40
MPH Max : 68
Net Elevation change : ~788 feet up (+210 on freeway, +578 on streets)
Weather : 67+ degrees F, clear, less than 46% Humidity, 45 degrees F Dew Point
Time : ~7:30 PM to ~8:30 PM, ~55 minutes?
My previous best was 38.2. It must be the Pulse and Glide (the mild kind with engine idling), the change in the weather(?), and/or the SG recalibration for the correct fuel tank size.
The distance is greater going home because on the way home I count the streets because it's more of a challenge to preserve the MPG I have when I leave the freeway.
When I exited the freeway, I had about 46.6 MPG (best ever), and I lost at least 1 or 2 MPG at some stoplights that I don't know the timing for (Rosemead can be "Perfect Green" on rare occasion, but it was only medium rare tonight,
