Originally Posted by diamondlarry
The only real change I made was not letting the rpm's go above 1500.
How does that compare to your RPM target before?
I let the speed drop to lower speeds and try to keep the average speed down as well. I've also started using country roads more often so I can hypermile without being molested by other drivers.
I get what you're saying. I just got back from a bike ride (drove a bit out of town to some trails - bike inside the car, of course

), and tried this on the way back (gently rolling, pretty much deserted country roads).
I took my time, and P&G'd most of the way home, into a stiff headwind using just 2nd and 3rd gears - something like min: 28 km/h, max 65 km/h - and pulled into the driveway with 117 mpg (US) avg showing on the SG.
The round trip average would have been higher than that if I'd used the same technique on the way out, but on the way there P&G'd using 3rd and 4th, and even with the tail wind, only managed 105 mpg.
Note, this was also with the alt. de-belted. (Deduct roughly 5% from the MPG to get a comparable figure with the alternator connected.)
Edit: round trip was something like 24 km.