I had another good segment again yesterday. On my way home from work, my SG 2 was showing 55.6 MPG at 5.9 miles. The trip was a bit different since I didn't have to take my wife to work or pick her up in the evening. I was able to stay on rural county roads and go as slow as I wanted while cruising and during FAS.

I tried a little harder today and it paid off. I went the same route and I kept the speed around 30-35 on the level and it got up to 40 on one of the downhills. About 1/2 mile from home I used a downhill stretch to kick it up to 45 for the FAS to my driveway. I should note that there was a corner in the middle of that FAS so I was down to around 10-15 mph by the time I got to my driveway. When I got to my driveway, the SG was reading 61.9 MPG . My driveway is 1/10 of a mile up a slight incline so that by the time I got to the top and got turned around for tomorrow morning's FAS to the road, the SG was reading 60.7. Here is how the route goes: From a stop I went 1 mile until I made a right turn. After that, another mile to a stop. Then another mile to a stop. Then, 2 miles to the right turn in the middle of the FAS to my driveway. 65 mpg, here I come! The only problem is that today was the last day for awhile that I don't have to pick my wife up after work.