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Old 04-22-2006, 07:31 PM   #91
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i would use gaslog but its

i would use gaslog but its been so long since i filled up my tank. Needle is pointing near the 1/4 mark and i have 550 km on the odometer, in theory that number should be a little higher just because when I key off, i sometimes key off to the first ignition too so that i can disable my Daytime Running Lights. When to that position, my scangauge and odometer stops working so my data is indeed not accuate at all! Oh i would tinker to disable that and have a kill switch so my data won't be screwed but boy im too noob!

now i'm not sure if i can trust my numbers at the moment...

edit: also when i reread the thread again...

One red light can make a huge difference.
totally agreed ^ although unlike Dan most of my routes consists of traffic lights so I have to bite the bullet everytime.

i also like to add, idling in bumper to bumper traffic knocked my average from 47 mpg to 41 mpg and that's a 8 minute wait although I should start timing my bumper to bumper to illistrate how much of a dent it is. Yes even though my numbers are not accuate I will continue to observe and record all types of fun data for the public.

edit: i wish my scangauge can report km/L ... i have to use MPG because with my mentallity (higher is better). Also when acclerating I try to use 20 to 25 mpg rates when climbing speed (usually up to 35 mph) 60 km/h. Also engine off % is a nice feature too... bah I wish the supermid supported ODBII port too because that was designed by a hypermiler for sure.

If your reading this, then good for you, your saving some gas because your here.
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Old 04-22-2006, 07:43 PM   #92
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You can use the superMID

You can use the superMID with obd2. The thing was designed for the prius to begin with,

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Old 04-23-2006, 04:10 AM   #93
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Re: I feel so left out waiting

Phil, yes, the SuperMID is designed for OBDII. But the drawback is that you cant plug it into the diagnostics port. You need to locate 2 wires and crimp splice the SuperMID leads to those wires. Then you just need a power and ground lead.

Originally Posted by Matt Timion
I will be buying one of these if all of the bugs are fixed.
I guess it depends on what you would consider a bug. Is the lack of MPG readout a bug? The instantaneous fix should, in theory, work on all 4 cylinder Honda's with 240cc injectors. That is because Yoshi will be using the fuel parameter that I have calibrated my SuperMID with to use as the constant value that the instantaneous reading will be calculated from. There will be no user adjustable value. You would think that he could just use the adjustable fuel parameter but he told me that it couldnt be done easily.

Another potential issue which I don't consider a bug is the occasional reset of the START data while starting with the starter. I use the START screen always because it resets each time you completely remove power. That way I dont have to reset every time I get into the car. It is a problem if you IGN OFF for coasting and come to a stop at a stop light. Since you can bump start, you have to use the starter. Maybe one in twenty times, the starter draws so much power that the voltage to the SuperMID drops below an acceptable limit and the SuperMID thinks you have shut off the car, so it resets. This is similar to the Scangauge issue where it looses track of things for 10 seconds. But with the SuperMID (unlike the scangauge), it still continues to record info to the trip and tank data immediately, it just resets the START data.

But this is easy to fix. At first i just had my self powered 12V tire pump plugged into my lighter socket. Since it has an on off switch, I would always turn the auxilliary battery before starting the car and turn it off after I have reached my destination. This method maintains power to the SuperMID and has completely eliminated the START resets. Just recently, since the battery powered tire pump weighs 9 lbs, I just rigged up a smaller NiMH battery and switch which weighs less than 2 lbs. This works just as well. When the engine is on, the auxilliary battery will be charged by the alternator. I will make one for SVOboy also should he want one. I have several spare NimH left over from my Prius grid charging adventure.

Originally Posted by Matt Timion
I'm wondering if Yoshi would consider selling them through our site here. I could buy them in bulk and resell them for a small profit. I'm certain that there would be enough people in the country who would want one to justify this type of action.

We could even be the official USA distributors of the SuperMID. A support board could be created, etc.
I don't see why not. Buying in bulk would also help with the shipping cost.

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Old 04-23-2006, 08:07 AM   #94
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Re: i would use gaslog but its

Originally Posted by philmcneal
edit: i wish my scangauge can report km/L
phil, i believe it can. if memory serves:

home ... more ... setup ... units ...

then click "miles" to toggle to "km", and "gallons" to toggle to "liters"
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Old 04-23-2006, 01:00 PM   #95
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Re: i would use gaslog but its

Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Originally Posted by philmcneal
edit: i wish my scangauge can report km/L
phil, i believe it can. if memory serves:

home ... more ... setup ... units ...

then click "miles" to toggle to "km", and "gallons" to toggle to "liters"

nope i only get LPK which stands for liters per 100 km

KM/L is nowhere to be found... GRRRRRRRR

also when i set my tank size to 50 liters, and switch to gallons it still says i have 50 gallons! wtf.... i'm beggining to regret this piece.
If your reading this, then good for you, your saving some gas because your here.
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Old 04-24-2006, 07:27 AM   #96
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you must have a newer

you must have a newer release of the software then. mine will do any combination of km/L, km/Gal, mi/Gal, mi/L. also, the unit has a fudge factor built in (which i haven't played with) that will let me compensate volume so i can use imperial gallons.


rain and cool weather bites. the best segment results i could get on an errand run this morning was 67 mpg (US).
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Old 04-26-2006, 06:08 AM   #97
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Do I win yet? ~150mpg

I normaly wait till my gas tank is a little lower, but I figured 135 miles was enough to find out how much I had used, $2.75 latter I had .89 gallons of gas in my motorcycle...

Near stock 1973 Honda CB100, it has new stock size street tires inflated to 35psi, amsoil full synthetic 10w40 motorcycle oil, new stronger chain, 1 tooth larger sprocket in front then stock (it was all that was avalible at the time) and platnim spark plug.
I filled up at the same gas stataion, filled to as close to the same leavle, have been riding it around town for the past two and a half weeks with a tiny back pack that I can role up and put in my pocket for trips to the libery, food co-op, hardware stroke and places like that and the motorcycle runs flawlessly smooth, however I have not been taking it at all easy, it's a 100cc 190-200lb motorcycle, and I weigh over 200lb's, wide open throttle sitting upright I can get it up to 55mph, and heading in to town I often have it that fast, if I duck down it will hit 60mph, and when I do take it out on roads that alow me to go that fast I do, and I accelorate to that speed as fast as it will alow... I think it preforms pretty well, it easly keeps up with cars in town and has no problem accelorating to pass at 35mph.
this next tank of gas I'm going to take it a little easier, and see if I can get 200mpg.
I can't wait to get my cb125 running and on the road, the cb125 is the same size frame, just a larger bore engine that produces half a horse power more at a slightly lower RPM, with more tourqe, weighs 10 pounds more due to better muffler, having a tac, and front disk brake, and it showed up last week at my house with a guy who wanted to buy my 1975 Yamaha RD350, so we traided, and he still paid me half of what I was asking for the Yamaha (it's fast but only gets 47mpg).
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Old 04-28-2006, 12:33 PM   #98
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Filled up today 35.12 MPG at

Filled up today 35.12 MPG at $2.83 gallon. Disappointing, I was expecting a little better than that. I might have maxed out the FE climb. Getting hot down here so I'll probably be hooking the AC up soon. That will kill the FE.
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Old 04-30-2006, 03:48 PM   #99
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Last week I only drove the

Last week I only drove the Del Sol to work 3 times. I needed the Prius the other two times because I had to carry extra passengers. The morning drives were in the upper sixties and the drives home were in the low sixties.

Just for kicks this morning I yanked the chipped ecu and dropped the stock one back in. Then I drove about 60 miles on errands and a visit to the in laws and then back home. I noticed a few things.....

The injector pulse width after a cold start was higher then I ever remember seeing it, 9.4 ms. I don't ever remember seeing it hit 8 ms with the chipped ecu. This tells me that the ect compensation on the chipped ecu is definately working, limiting the pulse width to below 8ms.

The second thing I noticed was no pinging! The chipped ecu needs the ignition advance backed off.

And the last thing I noticed was that the fuel cutoff when the throttle position is near closed is much more prononced. As I ease off the throttle, the injector pulse width drops to about 1.8 then to zero. With the chipped ecu the pulse width gets down to 1.2-1.4 ms before dropping to zero. This suggests that the reduced fuel values in the chipped ecu fuel map are also working as advertized.

What remains to be seen is whether or not a leaner AFR yields better FE. My trip FE today was about 65MPG, about what I would have expected. I will leave the stock ecu installed for tomorrow's commute to see how it compares to previous "chipped" commutes. Tomorrow will be my last commute for this tank, currently at 280 miles, 65.1 MPG.

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Old 04-30-2006, 04:00 PM   #100
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I'm wondering now, thinking

I'm wondering now, thinking about it, if your target lambda also needs to be adjusted with your fuel values. I might've overlooked that, but I'm not sure. I really need to make that diy but I'm just checking the site every so often in between actual periods of work.

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