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Old 04-19-2006, 01:56 PM   #71
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Re: my first 80+ mpg segment,

Originally Posted by MetroMPG
i hereby declare this 80.6 mpg to be legit!
Egads man! What did you to with Metro! Who is this crazy super ultramiler that has taken his place!

I think I will go and wax my lugnuts now.


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Old 04-20-2006, 10:40 AM   #72
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a slightly warmer day, and i

crazy super ultramiler strikes again? :O

a slightly warmer day, and i had to do the same short trip as yesterday, so i wondered if i could match yesterday's numbers, or if it was just a fluke. amazing what a few degrees more does to the results...

(note that this segment route is intentionally chosen for FE, as opposed to just "getting there".)

82.9 mpg US ... 2.84 L/100 km ... 99.6 mpg (imp) (oh, so close to the magic 100 mpg imperial!)

cold start
20 mph avg
37 mph max
7.3 mi. round trip

Conditions at SUPN6 as of (2:00 pm EDT) 1800 GMT on 04/20/2006:

Wind Direction (WDIR): S ( 190 deg true )
Wind Speed (WSPD): 5 kts
Wind Gust (GST): 5 kts
Atmospheric Pressure (PRES): 30.00 in
Pressure Tendency (PTDY): +0.00 in ( Steady )
Air Temperature (ATMP): 62.2 °F

this tank so far: 68.6 mpg (us) over 167 mi.

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Old 04-20-2006, 10:48 AM   #73
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Re: This morning was dry and

Originally Posted by krousdb
By the way, another new record for me was that the engine was only running 53% of the 39.34 km traveled. Much longer ign off coasts due to the tailwind and the LRR tires for sure.
that's astonishing. i don't really have the ability to track that with my current setup. it sure would be interesting to know.
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Old 04-20-2006, 11:34 AM   #74
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All hail the SuperMID! It

All hail the SuperMID! It provides % of distance that the engine is running as well as the average FE while the engine is running. So for that 71 MPG segment, for the 53% that the engine was running I was getting about 35MPG. The other 47% was obviously infinite MPG due to division of miles by zero fuel consumption.

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Old 04-20-2006, 03:05 PM   #75
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I had a meeting in Cleveland

I had a meeting in Cleveland yesterday so I took the Prius. Cruise control is nice. Speeds 65-75, 55.4 MPG for the 260 mile trip.

This morning I tried yet another route to work, two new segments. The resulting 66.03 MPG at 50F convinced me not to try it again.

The drive home was much more fun. 78F, calm, roof off, 68.38 MPG which bests my previous best by 2.5 MPG.

That concludes my latest tank. 338.9 miles, 64.64 MPG. The forecast for the next week is cooler with lots of rain. I am hoping to stay above 60 for the next tank.

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Old 04-21-2006, 09:54 AM   #76
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MPG graph

Hey guys on the MPG graphs I have a weird trend that my MPG mileage jumps up every third gasup and then drops for the next two and then up higher. Is anyone else seeing this trend??? Maybe I am running cycles with the moon or something and I have a need to save gas that wanes for a couple of weeks and then peaks again??? Could it be a cycle in energy content of gasoline?? woooo that would be scarey!!
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Old 04-21-2006, 03:03 PM   #77
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I just filled up tonight and

I just filled up tonight and had 425.39 miles and used 9.97 gallons for 42.66 mpg.:P It probably would be higher if I would stop being lazy and hook up a proper kill switch. I figure that I lose a tenth of a mile or more when I shut the key off and wait for the engine to stop before turning the key back on. But for 42.66 I'm not going to complain too much.:-)
Horsepower is how hard you hit the wall, torque is how much of the wall you take with you.

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Old 04-21-2006, 11:32 PM   #78
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I've pretty much defeated my

I've pretty much defeated my lifetime average of 35 mpg (6.5L/100km) and now its time to move on to 50 mpg territory. Hopefully by the summer I'll reach 60 or even higher if I plan to mod out my car for economy. So far all the improvements are DRIVING STYLE and 50 PSI + in the tires. All records shown are very recent and of course are the best stats. As I refine my technique for the better there is no limit to how far I can stretch my gas tank. I think right now I get around 800-900 km a tank and breaking the 1000km barrier should be very soon. Everyone I talked to does not believe that what I do is possible (I get flamed a lot actually, but when someone shows off his new intake people go nuts!) and its not considered, "Normal driving". Ok I'll agree to that, but when we arrive at the same time then what do you have to say for yourself?

I'm going to assume gas is at $1.10/ Liter to show how much it costs to do what I do. Your mileage will vary

Current commute:

To school from home: (100% city)

5.5 Miles total distance (8.9 km)
2677 RPM MAX
47 MPH top speed (75 Km/h)
22 MPH Average speed (35 Km/h)
.1 Gallons consumed (.5L)
88 Degrees C max temp.
.2 hours (12 minute trip)
45.2 MPG (5.2L/100km)
Total cost = 55 Cents

To home from school: (100% city)

5.4 Miles total distance (8.6 km)
3179 RPM max
44 MPH top speed (71 Km/h)
24 MPH Average speed (38 Km/h)
.1 Gallons consumed (.5L)
.2 hours (12 minute trip)
43.1 MPG (5.4L/100km)
Total cost = 55 Cents

To work from home: (100% city)

10 degrees C on a cold start.
8.9 miles (14.4 Km) Total distance
.2 gallons consumed (.7 Litres)
2679 RPM MAX
.3h (18 min drive)
43 mph Top Speed (70km/h)
25 mph Average Speed (40 km/h)
43.5 mpg (5.4L/100km)
Total cost = 77 Cents

From Work to Home (100% city)
Cold start, water coolant temp at 15 degrees C
(I made it almost through all the lights I was suppose to stop at, what a difference and I managed to FAS longer than I should usually, pissed off one or two people but for this number GEE YADS )

.2 Gallons consumed (.7 Liters)
88 degrees C Max
8.9 Miles (14.4 Km) total distance
2865 RPM MAX
.3 hours (18 minutes) drive
40 mph (64 KM/h MAX)
24 mph (38 KM/h Avg)
50.1 MPG (4.6L/100km) < ---- OH YEAH you have no idea how excited I was when I saw this.
Total cost = 77 Cents

To fast food chains: no data
Personal 3 Km test route: no data

To friend's house: (100% city)
cold start = outside temp 3 degrees C (37.4 F) raining
2507 RPM max
.1h (6 mins) drive
55 Km/h Max (34.2 MPH)
31 Km/h Average (19.3 MPH)
.3 liters consumed (.08 Gallons)
4.3 Km (2.7 miles)
6.4 L/100km (36.8 mpg)
Total cost = 33 Cents

Surrey to Port Coquitlam
To friend's house from home (30% city, 70% highway)
Water coolant temp from start = 36 Degrees C (max 90 Degrees C)
2721 RPM MAX
.2 hours ( 12 minute drive)
52 MPH MAX (83 Km/h)
29 MPH AVG ( 47 Km/h)
8.2 Miles (13.3 Km)
.2 Gallons consumed (.7 Liters)
47 MPG (4.9L/100km)
Total cost = 77 Cents

Going home from friend's house (after 2 hours later) (back to Surrey)
Didn't check water coolant temp on start but max was 91 degrees C
2935 RPM MAX
.2 hours ( 12 minute drive)
59 MPH MAX (95 Km/h)
30 MPH AVG ( 49 Km/h)
8.9 Miles (14.3 Km total distance)
.2 Gallons (.8 L consumed)
40.5 MPG (5.8L/100km)
Total cost = 88 Cents

City to city driving:
From Surrey to Richmond city (both ways = 68.6 km or 42.6 miles)
(60% highway, 40% city)
3120 RPM max
3.4 L consumed (.9 gallons)
103 KM/h max (61 mph)
1 hour drive
5.05L/100km (46.6 mpg)
Total cost = $3.74

Variey of up and down hills, didn't change route on the way back. A lot of FAS when possible and many driving with load techniques. Had quite a few (shift shocks) during FAS and when shifting up the hills. Flew what a trip wish I had an auto with some FAS capability. But I blame the shift shocks because I was not familiar with the territory, next time I'll be more prepared. Went through Puttulo, New West, then onboard to 91 to Richmond.

All data thanks to scangauge, although not as accuate as I hoped it to be since when I key off and key on again, my car's odometer and fuel economy gauge does not update until 5-10 seconds later so in theory these numbers should be better

People on average spend 200 bucks a month on gas, for me I managed to tune that number down to 50 ~~ Oh the joy of hypermiling. If only if less *** huggers on my tail but hey one can dream right? Now if only if i had a hybrid :P or more torque (like diesel) i'd smash these records easily.

And yes less *** huggers behind my tail (one of the biggest bottlenecks from preventing me from even gettting INSANE MILEAGE), it never fails to amaze me how impatient people are... its fun to see them pissed off though, since it takes very little to piss off a average driver these days but they look like they get their fun by cutting me off without signalling and then accelerating hard to the red light only to stomp on the brakes. Then I pull up and wave , "Hi".

Can't wait till summer~~~~~~~~~ DIE 35 mpg i'm glad that **** is over.
If your reading this, then good for you, your saving some gas because your here.
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Old 04-22-2006, 05:28 AM   #79
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^ Awesome Stats ally

Awesome Stats ally mcneal.

I love cost of trip stat.

I really do want to get a scangauge. I would rater have that then a supermid but first i need a newer car.
2008 EPA adjusted:

Distance traveled by bicycle in 2007= 1,830ish miles
Average commute speed=25mph (yes, that's in a car)
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Old 04-22-2006, 06:41 AM   #80
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ally. funny.

ally. funny.

but seriously, phil, awesome numbers. it's fun to see how extreme you can push the mpg numbers with technique.

i still have reservations that it sometimes doesn't feel like it's being nice to the car.

two things i've noticed: now that warmer weather is here and i'm driving with the windows down, i hear the front tires "scrub" when i clutch start the car, even when done smoothly. this may just be a property of my motor which has high compression (199 psi), so perhaps it's harder to clutch start than other cars, and it exerts more resistance at the wheels.

another property of this motor is its lack of torque and its AWOL 4th cyl. shifting at really low rpm feels nuh-uh. i don't shift low enough to make it lug, but to get the good numbers, it's borderline. if i were in the passenger seat watching someone else driving my car the way i drive it, it would probably irk me.

still, seeing low 80's repeatedly (3 round-trip segments now) is satisfying. i wonder if the scangauge will ever show "92", or double the EPA combined rating...

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