Thanks for the tips and links. Unfortunately my cars are OBD 1. I'll keep looking for something with a MPG readout. As a closely related substitute, I have a MAF readout on my dash so I can see instantaneous consumption of air, which is closely related to fuel consumption as you know. I did a quick experiment with it one day- I was cruising on the freeway at a constant 65mph and noted the airflow was about 150 Hertz (it's a frequency based airflow sensor) Then I put the car in neutral and revved the engine until it showed 150Hz again. The revs stabilized at 5300rpm. So it takes just as much fuel to push my car down the road at 65mph/2400rpm as it does to spin only the motor at 5300rpm. Blew me away. I was a believer in shifting at low rpm after that.
I wonder what sort of tests MetroMPG will come up with using his new logger? Any plans yet?
BTW one of my loggers is called Pocketdyno because it has a built in dyno program. Yes, it's cool and yes, my loggers are all 1/4 mile oriented.
Dave W.