First some background - My wife and I are in a Miata club and for the past 5 years I have been working on Red Beast ( ). She is a '91 Miata with 400 pounds of weight removed and 150% more horsepower. I am growing tired of the project and I would like to move on to something else. I think an 70-80MPG car would be just the thing to keep me busy for a while. I have regularly visited this site for the past few weeks and have spent the past 2 hours reading quite a few of the old threads. Anyway, for my first official post I want to ask a question:
I think an old Geo Metro would fit my project just fine. I see that the XFI's get really good mileage but they do not have OBDII or fuel injectors. I think part of the fun of the project will be keeping tons of data from a scangauge and fuel injectors don't scare me like an old carb does (you can clean injectors but I can't work on a carb). Anyone have any advice or guidance concerning starting the project with a 50MPG '91 XFI vs a 35MPG '97 LSI?
Is there a better car to start with? I am trying to locate my wife's old Chevy Sprint Metro that we sold for $250 about 8 years ago. The car probably doesn't exist (rusted out or crushed) but it would be fun to start with that one.
Anyway, thanks in advance for the help. Hopefully you guys will see more of me if I actually get started on this thing. As you can tell from my website, I have no problem documenting everything that I do and posting it.