pavement(flat black) in the sun is 10-15+ degrees warmer than in the shade
unfortunately for grass that difference is alot less
then think about how this works:
it is the same color as pavement
Therefor pavement is a culprit
I have been doing intensive research on this subject, as I've been a decided environmentalist since the age of 8(unpaid, getting paid ruins your righteousness!), it's really just becoming fun to disprove people left and right because I know so much about it
according to the links above air pollution is alot less the cause of global warming, hose links are proof that pavement and rooftops are a big factor possibly even up to 1/4-1/3 or more of the cause of global warming..but regardless, I have done an estimated small math formula to describe the warming rate of black surfaces vs other more relfective/white surface
1 foot of square foot of black pavement= 20 cubic feet of air volume warmed by 1 degree farenheit, based on the square footage I was doing this in(had a solar trap built in).. That is probably way off.. in combination with home heating and cars engines running hot... its not like I'm even trying to brow beat this into you guys, mores