New to board, question about Geo Metro
Hello one and all. Greetings from Baton Rouge! I am new to the board and this is my 1st post.
A fellow firefighter of mine is selling a Geo Metro. It possibly needs a new motor. I will get the details tonight as regards to what exact year, engine, etc.
I know its blue, a 4 door version, and I guess its 97 or older. He bought it when he was commuting back and forth from Osyka, MS to Baton Rouge, LA. He said it averaged 40mpg or better.
He will let it go for $200. Even if it needs a new motor, would it be worth the investment return?
It has no body damage and obviously needs a good bath and wax job.
I would change the battery, brakes, all fluids, etc. But is a new motor, or re-built motor hard to find?
Thanks for any advice and I look forward to soaking up some knowledge.
I, like most people, am fed up with the RIDICULOUS gas prices and our INEPT government.
Baton Rouge, LA
IAFF Local 557