MnFocus -
Originally Posted by MnFocus
Ok, I just used the handy DML calculator and it gave me a 2% error at 100 MPH, which is the same as the Miata calculator :
Actual Speed
100 mph (160.90 kph)
Indicated Speed with Tire B
97.95 mph (157.60 kph)
Speedometer Error
-2.05 mph (-3.30 kph)
I then ran the car with the GPS and got these samples in miles :
GPS:Car Odometer
19.6:19.0 => 19.6 / 19 = 1.031 => 3.1% error
37.2:36.15 => 37.2 / 36.15 = 1.029 => 2.9% error
Soooooo, I think the GPS is telling me that my Odo is too slow by an
additional 1%.
I think I will stick with 2% error for now, because I don't want to accidently inflate my numbers and tire wear will eventually bring this correction down over time (i.e. always losing tread => always reducing tire circumference => always reducing odometer error over time).