Originally Posted by CO ZX2
Rick, you must have visualized this tank into being while on the boat.
That is great for an auto, for sure. Remember how you did it?
I know you may have a hard time trying to like anything American, but this Cowboy CD is pretty good and, by gosh, you earned it. PM address.
I can't claim the CD: not the best tank ever
I've had about 3, 40-some mpg tanks on 100% highway trips. This only counts as personal mixed-driving best.
Honestly, I can't really say what did it. Things that should have brought it down: Not having an SG for 1/4 of it, IATs exceeded the high range (130F) which brings down FE on most occasions, got stuck in an hour-long traffic jam on the way to work one morning (did a lot of on-off coasting finesse), and ran the A/C once to the airport (50-miles). Also, highway speeds are around 65, but yielding to hills with scrubbing of speed going upward, and building it back up coming down is my usual driving style.
Plus, the oil needs changed (isn't low: on the dipstick mark for full).
It has also been humid, which may have improved combustability.
I know what did it, the car wash! Improved Cd!
The biggest thing has been patience with acceleration and being in-tune with the car's demands. Not having the SG for 1/4 of this tank and nearly all of last tank forced me to "fly blind" and apply what worked in the past. This could have foced further attention to the vehicle dynamics and "sense" what the car is doing and fall back on what the SG used to read.
Now, it just needs to be replicated for consistency. I'm probably going to change out the oil and transmission fluid soon (synthetic), which generally is are variables to consider.
I'm really jazzed -- It's been nearly 2 years in the making for this long-term goal.