Originally Posted by ajohnmeyer
seriously though, nothing p!sses me off more than hydrogen cars, (except maybe hydrogen SUV's)
Waste energy converting electricity to hydrogen, waste energy changing hydrogen back to electricity to power the cars motor.
Just use a damn battery and quit wasting all that energy, not to mention cutting out the wait time for fuel cells to become remotely affordable.
The research firms still need to explore the option... The most cost effective option wins. Batteries are great if you can "fill up" quickly and have an equivalent range reliably. We're getting there - we're even almost there, but we're not there yet.
Of course, it's when you get the people that waste gas in a prius (zooming around 40mpg without trying

) to switch over to your thinking that you've got a conservation revolution of sorts. But right now, people (at least Americans) want zero compromise solutions :/
I can admire H2 fueled cars if your reasoning is reduced emissions - sure it takes a huge amount of energy to make it, but it takes a huge amount of energy to refine oil to gasoline. So if less fuel is being burned, so much the better -- but only if that's the claimed benefit (which it's really not - more of a second fiddle).
I personally just see this as a transition tech - along with gas-electric hybrids, plug in gas-electric, ethanol etc.