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Old 07-14-2007, 05:47 AM   #21
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There are two things going against China, and both are their own doing.....

Well, maybe three.

The first is they have driven up the costs of raw materials for about anything right now. Try and buy copper in any large (heck, small) amount and you will see what I mean. Anyone remember why a LARGE amount of scrap steel went away about two years ago (older junkyards cleared out, "yard art" cars were leaving their grassy environs, etc.) yup, China. This will rase the advantage that China did have with "State" pricing of these materials below global market cost, now they have to outsource it from other locations, so the pricing break went away.

Two, the standards of living have improved, so guess what, their wages are following suit. So the advantages of moving or making anything in China are slipping. One of the large financial papers/magaizines just ran an article on the real costs of sending anything to China. While the labor and SHORT TERM savings are great, the total long term return is only a 10% reduction in domestic costs.

Three, there is a bit of corruption in their Commucapitalist government, as was seen this week when the "head" of their Safety and Health found himself dead. Bad drugs and baby food that killed a few thousand in China was not news here, even tho it should be, heck, the village of Wenlu's AIDS epidemic (caused by the State) and a tanted countrywide bloodbank barely makes news here, and generally only in the GLBT press.

Stateside, killing Fido and Fluffy and putting lead based paint on your Thomas toys, now that is. This hits the American consumer, like any safety issue. These two things (pets and kids) are where America puts its interest, why every home Safety and Health product advert (from a security system, to a water filter, to carpet cleaners) show little kids or pets. Why the tire thing got little press.

It will also be interesting to see how well the '08 Olympics go, there are already global concerns over this, but not to worry, the government is already cracking down on foreign and domestic Christian groups inside China to prevent any unrest.

But hey, it may improve, it is now illegal to put Glycol in toothpaste there, so that is a start!

Sorry to bash the Chinese so much, oh wait, there is a black Dong Feng sedan with WalMart stickers on it in the driveway....knock at the door....sorry guys, no more posts to me, I am off to build highways near Mongolia with the Tiananmen Square folks...

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-Emil Faber
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Old 07-14-2007, 06:00 AM   #22
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Our family avoids purchasing any products produced in countries like China where products are being exported at market beating prices through the exploitation of workers. It is nothing against China in general, only their labor practices.

Likewise, we have comparatively little concern about imports from Europe or Japan of products that are more desireable than what is produced domestically. So long as the trade practices are fair (not necessarily 'free market'), to the victor goes the spoils so to speak.


I think, therefore I doubt.
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Old 07-14-2007, 08:21 AM   #23
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Here is Chery crash test video
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Old 07-14-2007, 08:32 AM   #24
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GM doesn't know how to make a responsible decision on anything.

I think, therefore I doubt.
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Old 07-14-2007, 08:43 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by TANGOJETTA View Post
Here is Chery crash test video
OOOoooooooo. Wow.
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Old 07-14-2007, 09:05 AM   #26
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The rants may be that, but they are accurate. Dismissing them because they don't align with a particular viewpoint, and calling opposing viewpoints "phobic drivel" and aligned viewpoints "informed" is short sighted and narrow minded, and shows in itself a lack of information. It's called Chinese junk because the stuff is junk, and made in China. The Chinese have long had a culture of doing what they need to, with no regard to the consequences.

The video of the crash testing shows that their vehicles are unsafe beyond any possibility of calling the testing slanted. That car was tested with standardized tests, and failed horribly. No way I'd want a car that sits the engine in the BACK seat in a 40MPH crash. This video shows a Chinese 4x4 pushing the front passengers up like an accordian. Sure, the airbags deploy, but the dash, firewall and engine is also deployed into the passenger compartment. The only thing the airbag would do is ensure death in that accident. Then there's this 4-door sedan test that pushes the dash into the driver's head while buckling the roof and almost popping the driver's door off. Junk, junk and more junk. On the other hand, the [url=]Smart Car] can hit a concrete wall at 70MPH, and the passenger compartment stays intact. You can even open the doors. So, Chinese cars are built to kill you in otherwise survivable accidents, while other nation's vehicles are built to survive a harder wreck than the people inside can handle, meaning that it won't be a failure on the car's part if you die in a wreck.
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Old 07-14-2007, 09:58 AM   #27
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Spule 4 -

Originally Posted by Spule 4 View Post

Stateside, killing Fido and Fluffy and putting lead based paint on your Thomas toys, now that is. This hits the American consumer, like any safety issue. These two things (pets and kids) are where America puts its interest, why every home Safety and Health product advert (from a security system, to a water filter, to carpet cleaners) show little kids or pets. Why the tire thing got little press.

That's what happened to my kitty. I was giving my old kitty Science Diet wet food, so I thought I was immune. Then one day, I go to Petco and I find that her favorite Science Diet food had been pulled from the shelves. The vet said she was a goner. I was calling the Euthenasia folks when she started eating again. Thank goodness Purina Pro Plan hadn't sourced from that Chinese vendor!!!!!!!

I researched the tire thing and it didn't seem to effect "consumer" brand tires. It seemed to only be off-brand tires that were used in construction and trucking.

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Old 07-14-2007, 10:21 AM   #28
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I don't know why everyone here is saying its the Chinese fault... that they have no regard. They are simply misled by their government and allowed no hope for a better future... or at least their hope is what they are brainwashed into thinking. Not that the US doesn't have its own brainwashing. My point is, the Chinese are not born horrible people. There are just too many of them, extremely low standards of living. These things will improve for some as their middle-class rises, but they have a corrupt communist government. What can you expect? Even talking about this on gassavers promises that it will be censored on the Chinese internet. Greed and corruption is the same thing thats wrong with our country.

my favorite thread
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Old 07-14-2007, 12:27 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Telco View Post
The rants may be that, but they are accurate. Dismissing them because they don't align with a particular viewpoint, and calling opposing viewpoints "phobic drivel" and aligned viewpoints "informed" is short sighted and narrow minded, and shows in itself a lack of information. It's called Chinese junk because the stuff is junk, and made in China. The Chinese have long had a culture of doing what they need to, with no regard to the consequences.
No posts here have been accurate in any way, shape, or form. All the statements made here regarding Chinese manufactured goods are qualitative, not quantitative. Which is besides the point, since they are still generalizations, and compare cars that are literally $3-6000 to cars that are $10-20000. If you pay more you're more likely to get more. Hell, these probably do better than plenty of 80s automobiles that currently fetch the same price used, but I don't see anyone ranting about those...
Originally Posted by FormulaTwo
I think if i could get that type of FE i would have no problem driving a dildo shaped car.
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Old 07-14-2007, 01:06 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by baddog671 View Post
Absolute junk, I wouldn't own one if it was given to me.. The Chinese cant build anything quality, what makes a car any different...

I predict they get to about 100k if your lucky and blow up..
This is my definition of 'drivel'...a phobic and uninformed dismissial simply because it doesn't align with this person's particular political/economic reality. I started this thread to get feed back....I expected the normal smattering of garden variety ignorance along with those who wish to engage in some type of intelligent conversation.

I don't have an agenda, other than trying to seek an affordable vehicle that can also get more than 40 mpg.

Obviously, you two offer only the same noted.

"The rants may be that, but they are accurate. Dismissing them because they don't align with a particular viewpoint, and calling opposing viewpoints "phobic drivel" and aligned viewpoints "informed" is short sighted and narrow minded, and shows in itself a lack of information. It's called Chinese junk because the stuff is junk, and made in China. The Chinese have long had a culture of doing what they need to, with no regard to the consequences."

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