Need ideas to make my VX more visible on the Interstate
Another close call today on the Interstate and it's only the fourth day of my new slow gas saving speed of 60 to 62 mph!
I was poking along I-96 in the far right lane at 0615 this morning (my part of the earth had rotated enough to face the sun by this time so it wasn't dark) and a large pickup - F250 or F350 came into the far right lane to pass someone in the middle lane and WHOA - WTF - there's a "little red car" in my way. The driver adjusted quickly and passed me too close for my comfort. Part of it is that my VX is only 51 inches tall. I don't think the truck saw me right away when he came over a very modest rise and almost ran into me. He was going at least 80+ mph.
I want to increase my visibility somehow by placing a CB antenna or something like it on the roof to artificially increase the VX's height. I don't want to create any drag though so I wonder what kind of flag or signal I could stick on the roof to be more visible. Hazard flashers are too extreme (at least for now). I just got 51 mpg this week (but at what cost!!!!!!).