You can search the garage for other Subaru owners that may have done engine mods.
In addition to the others' comments above, make sure you're not carrying around extra stuff in your car/trunk just because you have room. I used to carry my toolbox around when I didn't care about mpg (gas @ $1/gallon) and actually noticed the difference when I took it out.
Driving behavior is huge. I see lots of positive comments on this forum about Scangauge. I can't use it because my car is too old.
A few of the best FE cars mentioned on this site are the Geo Metro XFi, the Civic VX and the CRX HF. These are difficult, but not impossible, to find in good condition and for less than $3,000. (The newest of these is the VX - last model year was 1995.)
In general, cars that get the best FE are small, light, and have small engines (usually 4 cyl). A car with a manual transmission almost always gets more mpg than an automatic in the same car.
Best of luck,