Re: My roof extension
pgfpro - No aba testing, when I started ecomodding this past summer I didn't expect to become so immersed. I do know before the prototype roof ext/kamm in 40 degree temps I would see about 40mpg with the other mods(air dam being most significant). In single digit temps I haven't dropped below 38mpg with no warm up time with this set up, best one tank was 42.93mpg
bobc455 - The prototype did, really sucked because I deleted my pass side mirror. This one is more than sufficient, so long as I keep it clean(salt free). I am thinking of sealing it up so I don't have to clean it so frequently.
benfrogg - It's very easy to do if the curves are gradual enough, and if you use thin enough polycarbonate. I went with .093 thickness, and I didn't use a heat gun, just held it in place while I put sheet metal screws in. It wasn't easy doing it by myself, and all I had to use was a dremel, in person it's far from perfect, but so it the car. Thanks for the comments guys.