Alas, I don't think I'll hit my goal
But it's for a good reason - emergency use... My buddy's chain broke on his ride back from work, so I picked him up and brought him home. I'm down to .8 gallons left (according to SG - I started with 1.2g) and tomorrow I'm taking my other half for a blood test. It's within biking distance (perhaps on the outer edge of range), but I wouldn't ask anyone to go without being able to eat....
I may just fill up - but stay with my goal to not consume that last .8 gallons until the 12th.
It's funny, all my bikes operate on rusty, reconditioned chain. My friend's bike's chain (chain and bike not even three weeks old) breaks. Perhaps the rusty chain has proven itself worthy
Time is the best teacher. Unfortunately it kills all its students.
Bike Miles (Begin Aug. 20 - '07): ~433.2 miles