My '97 DX Hatch + D16Y5 (HX) Build & ? thread... - Fuelly Forums

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Old 03-05-2012, 06:12 PM   #1
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My '97 DX Hatch + D16Y5 (HX) Build & ? thread...

I recently acquired a low-mile (55k on body), '97 Civic DX Hatchback that needs an engine, transmission, ECU, axles, & an engine wiring harness. Sounds like a perfect candidate for a D16Y5 (HX) swap to me. Having done a previous '89 CRX HF + D15Z1 (VX) swap on my weekend car, this isn't my first go round but OBD2 Hondas are not my forte'. I'll list progress & naturally have many, many questions for those that have attempted such a project (jbi & mini-e come to mind). Here goes:

1. This car did not come with an engine harness. I could make due with an untested DX harness I have on hand or would it be better to source a '97-98 EX to have VTEC already wired in & add the 5th O2 wire & EGR later? I can add a wire or 3 if necessary, I'm looking to cut out headaches down the road as wiring is one of my weak spots.

2. The fuel lines are stainless AN from the tank to the fuel filter, what is the easiest way to connect the two? And from the rail to the return line?

3. Currently this car has Ground Control coilovers with 1000lb rear, 750lb front springs installed (it was a former drag car). What would be a more daily driver friendly rate yet still be able to drop the height enough to reduce the wheel to well gap? I'm not wanting to slam this car by any means, but I don't like the 4x4 look or drag coefficient either.

That's all for now, I'm off to reinstall the heater core/blower...


'85 CRX Si Original EW3 @ 254k...suck it Detroit
'89 CRX HF-Z1 ~ When haste is needed
'97 Civic DX Hatch ~ Formerly 600hp, now 0hp, soon 115hp.

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Old 03-07-2012, 05:26 AM   #2
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Re: My '97 DX Hatch + D16Y5 (HX) Build & ? thread...

2. I have used pressure rated rubber fuel hose pushed over pressurized metal fuel lines (5 inch overlap). I used 2 hose clamps on each overlap and never had any leaks or other issues for the remaining 4 years that I owned the car.

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Old 07-06-2012, 12:38 AM   #3
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Re: My '97 DX Hatch + D16Y5 (HX) Build & ? thread...

Long overdue update, problems 1-3 have been solved since.

To cut down on 'missing' items I sourced a complete but totaled HX (thanks cems70) and swapped everything over. So far:

- D16Y5 is mounted physically in the Hatch, installed by me lonesome without a hoist = time consuming
- Tranny is in, what a pain to line up outside of the car on one-off dollies
- New clutch, pressure plate, throwout bearing, flywheel was resurfaced
- Hatch came with AN fuel lines, frustratingly were swapped out for stock HX, new fuel filter (thanks again cems70)
- Hatch came with RSX cable shifter, swapped in stock HX
- Hatch came with K-series hubs/axles, swapped in stock HX complete spindles/axles
- Hatch came with EX brakes, felt it was overkill, in went HX stock
- Hatch came with Koni yellows/Tokico whites and stiff *** Eibach springs. I'm keeping the shocks and downgrading the springs to simple Tein S.Techs

I haven't fired her up yet, still need to add fluids, charge battery, connect some axillary stuff, bleed everything, and tackle wiring, which brings me to my question:

4.) The '97 DX Hatch never came with a fuel pressure sensor, the '98 HX did. I swapped the actual sensor over (it's located on the driver's side of the gas tank, and yes, it can be removed without dropping or swapping the tank itself) but there is no plug associated with the sensor wiring in the Hatch. I could theoretically run the sensor wiring to the ECU (I believe it's three wires) or go hardcore and swap out the entire floor harness if there are more known variants between the two harnesses. Suggestions?
5.) The Hatch never had a tach, the HX does. Would a working gauge swap consist of a simple swap part for part or does the wiring behind the gauges need to be changed?

I periodically take pictures & I will get all those up in due time.


'85 CRX Si Original EW3 @ 254k...suck it Detroit
'89 CRX HF-Z1 ~ When haste is needed
'97 Civic DX Hatch ~ Formerly 600hp, now 0hp, soon 115hp.

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Old 07-07-2012, 01:42 AM   #4
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Re: My '97 DX Hatch + D16Y5 (HX) Build & ? thread...

Picture time, comments under each pic:

Hatch shell on the left, HX donor on the right. Don't ask how I got it back there.

Seriously, it wasn't easy.

Why this car is a donor.

Pop the tops, it's time to get to it.

Hatch shell engine bay, pre-surgery.

HX donor engine bay, pre-surgery.

The one-off engine dolly that nearly broke my finger. It used to be an old IV pole & it is no less than 50 pounds of steel and hurt.

Getting there.

She's out! Congrats, it's a lean-burn.

Now, just need the shell to eat the engine and save me the trouble.

Much like a real woman, I stripped her for easy access.

Trust me, there was a method to this messiness.

Shiny old flywheel, resurfaced.

Yay, new parts.

The pressure plate was iffy, so I got new stuff.

Time to make it happen like Honda never did.

Side shot.

More to come, I've taken a break from the engine bay until I figure out the answers to my wiring questions & moved on to installing the new Teins in place of the old drag coils.
'85 CRX Si Original EW3 @ 254k...suck it Detroit
'89 CRX HF-Z1 ~ When haste is needed
'97 Civic DX Hatch ~ Formerly 600hp, now 0hp, soon 115hp.

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Old 10-12-2012, 07:18 PM   #5
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Lol, I just finished the same swap, lots of fun!!!
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