Hello, there. I picked up a 2013 Mazda 2 in August and it's been returning some pretty impressive numbers with just a little bit of hypermiling. The 2's highway rating is criminally underrated at 35 mpg and in my opinion, has made the 2 a poor seller.
In any case, here's what I do to achieve my numbers...
I drive no faster than 60 mpg on the highway.
(I don't draft because I want my car looking new for as long as possible)
Anticipate lights, stop signs, exits, off ramps - anywhere I can coast safely.
(the coast game is huge for me)
Get to fifth gear as quickly and smoothly as possible.
(try and keep the RPMs low)
I don't bother with maintaining/increasing tire pressure (I just can't be arsed), keeping my car free of unnecessary weight (don't keep much in there anyway), or always parking so that I can pull out without having to go into reverse.
I manually calculate my fuel economy (miles driven/gallons). Stop at the first click.
5 days a week, I'm stuck in bumper to bumper traffic during my morning and afternoon commutes. I live 3 miles from work and am only on the road for about 20 minutes... This kills my fuel economy.
First oil change coming soon. Once the engine is fully broken in (I've read that this happens at the 10-15K mark), I expect my 2 to easily achieve 50 mpg on most highly tanks.