MREA get togeather June 15-17 - Fuelly Forums

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Old 05-28-2007, 02:59 PM   #1
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Posts: 265
MREA get togeather June 15-17

As discussed in another thread ( ), a few of us gassavers members are planning to meet at the MREA fair ( ) this upcoming June 15-17 (Friday - Sunday).

While the fair itself looks very interesting (and reasonably cheap entrance fee), I would love to actually meet "face to face" any gassavers members that actually attend that fair. The big question is how? The fair is supposed to be HUGE, and many of us don't know what each other look like (and even if we did, the fair is big enough we might not spot each other). And I doubt cell phones will fix the problem either (even though I would be willing to PM my cell number to other fair goers), as any cell towers that might be around the fair will likely be so overloaded (with people attending the fair) as to be "iffy at best" for communication.

So what does that leave us? IMHO the most sensible solution is to arrange ahead of time some easily identifiable landmark (at the fair) where gassavers can meet, along with some times during the fair (say one or two fixed meeting times per each day of the fair) when we should all try to gather together at the landmark (along with some way to identify each other when we are now in close proximity). Trouble is, I've never been to the fair before, so I couldn't pick the landmark (anyone who has been, want to suggest a good landmark and time?).

So what do people think? Is this a doable plan? And if so, anyone want to suggest good times and places to meet (and some way to identify each other when we do meet, such as all making our own "gassavers" badges we wear when meeting at the landmark)?

Also, who all is planning to attend that gathering?
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