I hope to be able to go for many reasons. Some other people I know on an RE (renewable energy)
http://www.wind-sun.com/smf/index.php site will be there and I wanted to talk with some installers about geo thermal heat pumps. And a group of TDI'ers
http://forums.tdiclub.com/ that run bio diesel also going, one of them has his car in the car section of the event.
I have been there a few times, luckily for me it is about 90 minutes from here or just over a gallon away

Where to gather, I am not sure or even when. You basically park in fields outside the fair grounds and you can park on the south or north side of the grounds so that can get confusing as well, and as you can imagine FRS radios are really busy as well. To top it off cell isn't the best out there, depending on who your carrier is.