MPG tips
First you should NEVER use the OBC to compute your MPG. It is only ball park. ALL calculations should be done by calculations of miles driven and gallons used if you want accuracy
My OBC is always off showing high from 1MPG to a high of 4 MPG.
Now about MPG and fill ups. I fill mine to the top right below the vent holes. That way I always get a true calculation reading.
Also for accurate readings you also need to fill up at the same pump at the same time of day. The reason is different pumps even at the same station will give you different amounts of gas by volume. They are allowed a certain amount of leeway.
Also the time of day Temperatures changes the volume of gas due to expansion and even though the pumps are suppose to have the ability to calculate the temperature and adjust the volume none are perfect so the same time of day is best.
Keep your tires at max inflation.
Do not do quick starts.
Monitor your stopping distance, coast when possible.
Lastly always run pure gas if possible. It will get you 10 to 15 percent more MPG.
I have a 2015 corolla 6 speed manual rated at around 37 MPG. I have kept records of every fill-up and every mile driven and I am getting as of last fill up which is today 51.3 mpg.
There is no need to exceed the manufacturer's recommendation with octane rating. It is nothing but a waste of money as it will gain you nothing. However try to never go below it or you could suffer engine damage.
Summer gas will usually get better MPG than winter gas due to EPA requirements of what is in the gas. However that depends on Location. Also cooler temps will cause more drag on the vehicle so winter temps will lesson MPG. Rain and snow will also lower MPG due to drag.
OBC= On board computer