I sent a one page document to the city of Lacey parks department that sponsors the annual energy fair. The board met Tuesday night and was interested in hearing more about the rally.
The fair and rally is to take place in early May.
Basically it is a loop of about 100 miles where participants start/stop at the fair. Initial fill before the start and final fill within the last 2 miles of the finish, report gallons used and it is posted and ranked according to % over EPA combined ratings as well as raw MPG. It is done on the honor system so there are no prizes for top numbers, I hope to have some door prizes by sponsors though.
There is to be an educational element as well to explain what hypermiling is, explain the various terms used, and what the average Joe can do to get better mileage is his existing rig.
******If you all could spread the word that would be great.*********
I'm hoping to get at least 10 participants of gas, hybrids, diesels, maybe even motorcycles as well.