Correct, you won't find a ScanGauge for any vehicle before the mid 90s -- it relies on data from the engine control computer.
I remember the kind of MPG gauge you're taking about, and I haven't seen one of those in ages, either. Maybe someone knows where you can nab one and will speak up. Also, try searching the forums here; some DIYers have done pretty cool stuff (like adapting a Saturn FE readout to other car brands, if I remember correctly).
If you can't find a true MPG readout, a vacuum gauge like BEEF mentioned is a good alternative (and available anywhere). It'd only give you a relative readout that's not 100% in sync with fuel economy, but it would definitely help you "tune" your driving techniques. My older brother had one on his car when he was in his 20s, and he said it was amazing how well it abated "lead foot syndrome."
I'm shooting for 100 plus mpg with the old 6 cylinder, you can start laughing now LOL
Nah. A man's reach should exceed his grasp, and all that. Giving it a go will make a difference at the pump even if you don't hit three digits.
Plus, it's fun!

Good luck -- and if you find an MPG gauge on your own please post here and let everyone know where, to help the next person looking.