Signed up for the list
Signed up yesterday (or was it the day before?). Think this meeting is a GREAT idea. I wished there was one closer to NY, but Im still plan on making appearances.
I wont make the metting this weekend (its over a two hour trip for me in NYC area) but I'll make sure to make it at least once in a while, especially if we have a fuel/power efficiency based meeting. Someone from your group already emailed me about that option. I am only as mechanical as the average person raised in the city (I can perform tune-ups and have changed brakes once before, but it pretty much stops there) so I wont be changing engines for anyone anytime soon, but I suppose I can be of some type of mechanical help on the days that I attend. When I do come I'll be sure to show up with some sodas/chips and lend out my copy of "Who Killed the Electric Car" so that my attendance is appreciated.