You guys from the Metro crew, I kind of HATE you. Not in a bad way, its just that your litle car seem to be so good for FE, with all the aero mods you do and stuff... that my Civic Vx seems like a ordinary FE car. And these other guy, BASJOOS with its sooooo aerodynamic civic, he makes me sweat with is MPG number!
If also I was more handyman like you, i would do things like that.
Last thing, I just like your cars because they are kind of the OPPOSITE of a RICE like a civic hatchback with a big huge wing, and all those who modified their car for the look. You guys are like FE ALL THE way, and that is so good.
Keep doing such a good job guys and save gas, lot of it, and much more of it. Thumbs up (2).